
Activates a bus.





Activates a bus. Does nothing if an instance of the provided bus is already active Activates a bus modulator mix. Does nothing if an instance of the provided bus mix is already active Activates a bus modulator (eg. LFO). Does nothing if an instance of the provided modulator is already active Creates a modulation bus mix and adds a bus channel set to the provided target value Deactivates a bus. Does nothing if an instance of the provided bus is already inactive Deactivates a modulation bus mix. Does nothing if an instance of the provided bus mix is already inactive Deactivates a bus modulator. Does nothing if an instance of the provided bus mix is already inactive Saves control bus mix to a profile, serialized to an ini file. If mix is loaded, uses current proxy's state. If not, uses default UObject representation. Loads control bus mix from a profile into UObject mix definition, deserialized from an ini file. Sets a mix with the provided channel data if channels provided in active instance proxy of mix. Does not update UObject definition of mix. Commits updates from a UObject definition of a modulator (e.g. Bus, Bus Mix, LFO) to active instance in audio thread (ignored if modulator type has not been activated).

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