
Least Significant Byte mode makes the individual bytes (channels) of the function be interpreted with the first bytes being the lowest part of the number.



[UPROPERTY](Programming/UnrealArchitecture/Reference/Properties)(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadOnly,
          Meta=(DisplayName="Use LSB Mode", DisplayPriority="29"), Category="DMX")
bool bUseLSBMode


Least Significant Byte mode makes the individual bytes (channels) of the function be interpreted with the first bytes being the lowest part of the number.

E.g., given a 16 bit function with two channel values set to [0, 1], they would be interpreted as the binary number 00000001 00000000, which means 256. The first byte (0) became the lowest part in binary form and the following byte (1), the highest.

Most Fixtures use MSB (Most Significant Byte) mode, which interprets bytes as highest first. In MSB mode, the example above would be interpreted in binary as 00000000 00000001, which means 1. The first byte (0) became the highest part in binary form and the following byte (1), the lowest.

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