
LZ4_decompress_*_continue() : These decoding functions allow decompression of consecutive blocks in "streaming" mode.








#include "Compression/lz4.h"


LZ4int LZ4_decompress_safe_continue
    LZ4_streamDecode_t * LZ4_streamDecode,
    const char * src,
    char * dst,
    int srcSize,
    int dstCapacity


LZ4_decompress*continue() : These decoding functions allow decompression of consecutive blocks in "streaming" mode. A block is an unsplittable entity, it must be presented entirely to a decompression function. Decompression functions only accepts one block at a time. The last 64KB of previously decoded data must remain available and unmodified at the memory position where they were decoded. If less than 64KB of data has been decoded, all the data must be present.

Special : if decompression side sets a ring buffer, it must respect one of the following conditions :

  • Decompression buffer size is at least LZ4_decoderRingBufferSize(maxBlockSize). maxBlockSize is the maximum size of any single block. It can have any value > 16 bytes. In which case, encoding and decoding buffers do not need to be synchronized. Actually, data can be produced by any source compliant with LZ4 format specification, and respecting maxBlockSize.

  • Synchronized mode : Decompression buffer size is exactly the same as compression buffer size, and follows exactly same update rule (block boundaries at same positions), and decoding function is provided with exact decompressed size of each block (exception for last block of the stream), then decoding & encoding ring buffer can have any size, including small ones ( < 64 KB).

  • Decompression buffer is larger than encoding buffer, by a minimum of maxBlockSize more bytes. In which case, encoding and decoding buffers do not need to be synchronized, and encoding ring buffer can have any size, including small ones ( < 64 KB).

Whenever these conditions are not possible, save the last 64KB of decoded data into a safe buffer where it can't be modified during decompression, then indicate where this data is saved using LZ4_setStreamDecode(), before decompressing next block.

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