
Map an expression node to a binary operator with the specified implementation.








#include "Misc/ExpressionParserTypes.h"


*return MakeError


Map an expression node to a binary operator with the specified implementation.

The callable type must match the declaration Ret(OperandL, OperandR, [, Context]), where: Ret = Any DEFINE_EXPRESSION_NODE_TYPE type, OR FExpressionResult OperandL = Any DEFINE_EXPRESSION_NODE_TYPE type OperandR = Any DEFINE_EXPRESSION_NODE_TYPE type Context = (optional) const ptr to user-supplied arbitrary context

Examples that binds a '/' token to a function that attempts to do a division: JumpTable.MapUnary([](double A, double B){ return A / B; }); // Runtime exception on div/0 JumpTable.MapUnary([](double A, double B, FMyContext* Ctxt){ if (!Ctxt->IsMathEnabled()) { return A; } return A / B; // Runtime exception on div/0 }); JumpTable.MapUnary([](double A, double B, const FMyContext* Ctxt) -> FExpressionResult { if (!Ctxt->IsMathEnabled()) { return MakeError(FExpressionError)); } else if (B == 0) { /** Map an expression node to a binary operator with the specified implementation.

The callable type must match the declaration Ret(OperandL, OperandR, [, Context]), where: Ret = Any DEFINE_EXPRESSION_NODE_TYPE type, OR FExpressionResult OperandL = Any DEFINE_EXPRESSION_NODE_TYPE type OperandR = Any DEFINE_EXPRESSION_NODE_TYPE type Context = (optional) const ptr to user-supplied arbitrary context

Examples that binds a '/' token to a function that attempts to do a division: JumpTable.MapUnary([](double A, double B){ return A / B; }); // Runtime exception on div/0 JumpTable.MapUnary([](double A, double B, FMyContext* Ctxt){ if (!Ctxt->IsMathEnabled()) { return A; } return A / B; // Runtime exception on div/0 }); JumpTable.MapUnary([](double A, double B, const FMyContext* Ctxt) -> FExpressionResult { if (!Ctxt->IsMathEnabled()) { return MakeError(FExpressionError)); } else if (B == 0) { /**

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