
The camera facing option to use: All camera facing options without locked axis assume X-axis will be facing the camera.



TEnumAsByte< enum EMeshCameraFacingOptions > CameraFacingOption


The camera facing option to use: All camera facing options without locked axis assume X-axis will be facing the camera. XAxisFacing_NoUp - X-axis camera facing, no attempt to face an axis up or down. XAxisFacing_ZUp - X-axis camera facing, Z-axis of the mesh should attempt to point up. XAxisFacing_NegativeZUp - X-axis camera facing, Z-axis of the mesh should attempt to point down. XAxisFacing_YUp - X-axis camera facing, Y-axis of the mesh should attempt to point up. XAxisFacing_NegativeYUp - X-axis camera facing, Y-axis of the mesh should attempt to point down. All axis-locked camera facing options assume the AxisLockOption is set. EPAL_NONE will be treated as EPAL_X. LockedAxis_ZAxisFacing - X-axis locked on AxisLockOption axis, rotate Z-axis of the mesh to face towards camera. LockedAxis_NegativeZAxisFacing - X-axis locked on AxisLockOption axis, rotate Z-axis of the mesh to face away from camera. LockedAxis_YAxisFacing - X-axis locked on AxisLockOption axis, rotate Y-axis of the mesh to face towards camera. LockedAxis_NegativeYAxisFacing - X-axis locked on AxisLockOption axis, rotate Y-axis of the mesh to face away from camera. All velocity-aligned options do NOT require the ScreenAlignment be set to PSA_Velocity. Doing so will result in additional work being performed... (it will orient the mesh twice). VelocityAligned_ZAxisFacing - X-axis aligned to the velocity, rotate the Z-axis of the mesh to face towards camera. VelocityAligned_NegativeZAxisFacing - X-axis aligned to the velocity, rotate the Z-axis of the mesh to face away from camera. VelocityAligned_YAxisFacing - X-axis aligned to the velocity, rotate the Y-axis of the mesh to face towards camera. VelocityAligned_NegativeYAxisFacing - X-axis aligned to the velocity, rotate the Y-axis of the mesh to face away from camera.

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