Level Sequence Editor Preferences

Breakdown of the Sequencer Editor Preferences and settings.

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The Level Sequence Editor Preferences (which can be accessed through the

[**Editor Preferences**](Basics/ToolsAndEditors/EditorSettings)
window) includes various settings that you can adjust to define how the Sequencer Editor displays information or functions. This page is broken up into sections and outlines each property and how it affects the Sequencer Editor. You can adjust these settings to fit your workflow or desired editor functionality.


The section below defines how the auto-keyframing feature is used within Sequencer.



Auto Key Mode

Determines method in which to apply auto-keying of properties.



Key All

Key all properties that change.

Key Animated

Only key changed properties if they have existing animations.

Key None

Do not auto-key any properties.

Key All Enabled

Key all properties or only properties that change when Key All or Key Animated is used.

Key Interp Properties Only

Whether or not to key interpolation properties only as part of auto-keying.

Key Interpolation

The interpolation to use for keys when Key All or Key Animated is used.




Sets key interpolation to Auto.


Sets key interpolation to User.


Sets key interpolation to Break.


Sets key interpolation to Linear.


Sets key interpolation to Constant.

For more information on Key Interploation, see

[**Interpolation Modes**](Basics/ToolsAndEditors/CurveEditor)


The following settings can be used to determine how newly added Level Sequences are handled, how Cameras added from the Toolbar are created, or if the Label Browser window is open.



Spawn Position

Defines the position where newly created Level Sequences are placed in the viewport.




Spawns at the default origin position.

Place in Front of Camera

Spawns in front of the camera in a Persepctive viewport.

Create Spawnable Cameras

Determines whether or not cameras added from the Sequencer Toolbar are created as Spawnables .

Label Browser Visible

Displays or hides the Label Browser window.


This section defines how the Timeline within Sequencer is displayed or functions.



Show Frame Numbers

Toggles the timeline to display Frames (checked) or Time (unchecked).

Show Range Slider

Toggles the display of the timeline range slider.

Zoom Position

Determines where zooming in or out in the timeline occurs.



Current Time

Zoom in/out will occur at the current marker time.

Mouse Position

Zoom in/out will occur at the position of the mouse in the timeline.

Auto Scroll Enabled

Determines if the timline will automatically scroll during playback.

Keep Cursor in Play Range

When true the range is defined by the Green/Red Playback Markers. When false the range is defined by the Working Range Start and Working Range End.

Keep Play Range in Section Bounds

When checked, the playback range will be synchronized to the section bounds.

Zero Pad Frames

Defines how many 0's should preceed the frame number display.

Show Combined Keyframes

When enabled, denotes properties that have more then one key assigned for a frame.

Show Channel Colors

This toggles the display of colored lines for the XYZ for Location, Rotation and Scale.


The options below can be used to handle how Grid Snapping is used within Sequencer.



Is Snap Enabled

Determines if timeline grid snapping is enabled/disabled.

Time Snap Interval

Defines the interval in which grid snapping is applied.

Snap Key Times to Interval

Whether or not to snap key movement to the Time Snap Interval value.

Snap Key Times to Keys

Whether to snap keys to other keys that are on the same track.

Snap Section Times to Interval

Whether or not to snap section movement to the Time Snap Interval value.

Snap Section Times to Sections

Whether or not to snap section times to other sections that are on the track.

Snap Play Time to Keys

Whether or not to snap play to to keys on the track.

Snap Play Time to Interval

Whether or not to snap the play marker movement to the Time Snap Interval value.

Snap Play Time to Dragged Key

Whether or not to snap the play marker to a key that is dragged.

Curve Value Snap Interval

Defines the interval in which grid snapping is applied to the Curve Editor.

Snap Curve Value to Interval

Whether or not to snap the curve to the interval value specified.

Curve Editor

This section provides settings for the Curve Editor within Sequencer.



Show Curve Editor

Show/Hide the Curve Editor window.

Show Curve Editor Curve Tool Tips

Show/Hide Curve Editor tool tips.

Link Curve Editor Time Range

Whether or not the Curve Editor time range is linked to Sequencer's time range.

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