Convert Spaces Nodes

Animation nodes that convert poses between local and component space.

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Poses can either be in local-space or component-space. The Convert Spaces nodes available in the AnimGraph of Animation Blueprints provides the ability to convert poses between local and component space. Local space assumes the transform of a bone to be relative to its parent bone. Component space assumes the bone's transform to be relative to the SkeletalMeshComponent.

Generally, when working with poses in an Animation Blueprint, they will be in local-space. However, certain blend nodes and all SkeletalControls operate in component-space. This means that the input pose needs to be transformed prior to being passed in to one of these types of nodes. If the input pose is coming from a node that outputs a local space pose, the pose must be converted to the correct space before a SkeletalControl can perform operations on it. After performing the operations, the resulting pose must be converted back to local space to provide input to additional blends or the Result pin.

Because there is a cost associated with each conversion to or from component space, it is best to group any nodes that operate in component-space, such as SkeletalControls, so that they are all performed in a row and limits the number of conversions needed.

Component to Local

The Component to Local node converts a component-space pose to a local-space pose.

Component to Local



Input Pins

Component Pose (Blank)

The component-space input pose to be converted.

Output Pins

Local Pose (Blank)

The local space pose after the conversion.

Local to Component

The Local to Component node converts a local-space pose to a component-space pose.

Local to Component



Input Pins

Local Pose (Blank)

The local-space input pose to be converted.

Output Pins

Component Pose (Blank)

The component-space pose after the conversion.

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