Magic Leap

Magic Leap

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Calculate XRCamera Root Transform

Calculates the transform to be used to align coordinate spaces of connected clients.

The result should be set as the world transform of the parent of the camera component. This function is a BlueprintNativeEvent, override to implement a custom behavior. Default implementation -> inv(inv(AlignmentTransform) * ClientPinTransform) and uses only yaw component in rotation to ensure up vector alignes with gravity. The result is an average of the calculated transforms for each shared pin.

Target is Magic Leap Shared World Game State

Can Send Local Data to Server

Getter to check if the current client can start sending local pins to the server

Target is Magic Leap Shared World Player Controller

Client Set Chosen One

Marks the client as the "chosen-one" or pseudo-authoritative for this shared world session.

Means that this client is responsible for sending the list of it's pin transforms (in world space so its own alignment is unaffected) to the server via ServerSetAlignmentTransforms(). Everyone will align to this client's coordinate space using those pin transforms. The game mode or the player controller doesnt directly use this property. It is just a helper data point to determine which client should send the alignment transforms. Apps can choose to implement their own ways to select which client should should everyone align with. See: ServerSetAlignmentTransforms

Target is Magic Leap Shared World Player Controller

Determine Shared World Data

Determine which pins should be used for shared world aligment of all clients.

The result can be set to AMagicLeapSharedWorldGameMode::SharedWorldData. Calling SendSharedWorldDataToClients() will replicate these local pins to all clients. Calling SelectChosenOne() can select a certain client to be pseudo-authoritative i.e. all other clients will align to its coordinate space. This function is a BlueprintNativeEvent, override to implement a custom behavior. Default implementation -> simple selection of pins common in all connected non-spectator clients, with their confidence value thresholded by PinSelectionConfidenceThreshold

Target is Magic Leap Shared World Game Mode

Is Chosen One

Getter to check if the current client is the chosen one

Target is Magic Leap Shared World Player Controller

On Alignment Transforms Updated

Event fired when alignment transforms are updated on the client. @see AlignmentTransforms

On Shared World Data Updated

Event fired when shared pins are updated on the client. @see SharedWorldData

Select Chosen One

Select a certain client to be the "chosen-one" or pseudo-authoritative for this shared world session.

Means that this client is responsible for sending the list of it's pin transforms (in world space so its own alignment is unaffected) to the server via AMagicLeapSharedWorldPlayerController::ServerSetAlignmentTransforms(). Everyone will align to this client's coordinate space using those pin transforms. This function is a BlueprintNativeEvent, override to implement a custom behavior. Default implementation -> client with best confidence values for selected shared pins.

Target is Magic Leap Shared World Game Mode

Send Shared World Data to Clients

Replicate pins common among all clients via AMagicLeapSharedWorldGameState.

These pins can be selected by calling DetermineSharedWorldData()

Target is Magic Leap Shared World Game Mode

Server Set Alignment Transforms

Sets list of transforms to be used by all clients to align coordinate spaces.

This list is redirected to AMagicLeapSharedWorldGameState which performs the replication. Bind an event to AMagicLeapSharedWorldGameState::OnAlignmentTransformsUpdated to get a notification when new alignment transforms are available. If performing shared world alignment on-the-fly (i.e. without any prior setup like in a museum app), these transforms should be sent by a single selected client. Apps can make use of the "chosen one" client for this purpose. Override AMagicLeapSharedWorldGameMode::SelectChosenOne() to select which of the connected clients should send the alignment transforms. By default the first connected client is considered the "chosen one".

See: AMagicLeapSharedWorldGameMode::SelectChosenOne() See: AMagicLeapSharedWorldGameState::OnAlignmentTransformsUpdated See: AMagicLeapSharedWorldGameState::CalculateXRCameraRootTransform()

Target is Magic Leap Shared World Player Controller

Server Set Local World Data

Updates list of pins local to a client on the server.

This makes the list of local pins available to AMagicLeapSharedWorldGameMode to determine which ones to share across all clients and use for global coordinate space alignment.

Target is Magic Leap Shared World Player Controller

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