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Change Playback Direction

Changes the direction of playback (go in reverse if it was going forward, or vice versa)

Target is Matinee Actor

Enable Group by Name

Enable Group by Name

Target is Matinee Actor

On Pause

Event triggered when the matinee is paused for whatever reason

On Play

Event triggered when the matinee is played for whatever reason

On Stop

Event triggered when the matinee is stopped for whatever reason


Hold playback at its current position. Calling Pause again will continue playback in its current direction.

Target is Matinee Actor


Begin playback of the matinee. Only called in game. Will then advance Position by (PlayRate * Deltatime) each time the matinee is ticked.

Target is Matinee Actor


Similar to play, but the playback will go backwards until the beginning of the sequence is reached.

Target is Matinee Actor

Set Looping State

Change the looping behaviour of this matinee

Target is Matinee Actor

Set Position

Set the position of the interpolation. Note: if the interpolation is not currently active, this function doesn't send any Kismet events

Target is Matinee Actor


Stops playback at the current position

Target is Matinee Actor

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