Skinned Mesh

Skinned Mesh

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Bone Is Child Of

Tests if BoneName is child of (or equal to) ParentBoneName.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Clear Skin Weight Override

Clear any applied skin weight override

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Clear Skin Weight Profile

Clear the Skin Weight Profile from this component, in case it is set

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Clear Vertex Color Override

Clear any applied vertex color override

Target is Skinned Mesh Component


finds the closest bone to the given location

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Bone Index

Find the index of bone by name. Looks in the current SkeletalMesh being used by this SkeletalMeshComponent.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Bone Name

Get Bone Name from index

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Current Skin Weight Profile Name

Return the name of the Skin Weight Profile that is currently set otherwise returns 'None'

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Delta Transform from Ref Pose

Get delta transform from reference pose based on BaseNode. This uses last frame up-to-date transform, so it will have a frame delay if you use this info in the AnimGraph

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Forced LOD

Get ForcedLodModel of the mesh component. Note that the actual forced LOD level is the return value minus one and zero means no forced LOD

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Num Bones

Returns the number of bones in the skeleton.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Num LODs

Get the number of LODs on this component

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Parent Bone

Get Parent Bone of the input bone

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Ref Pose Position

Gets the local-space position of a bone in the reference pose.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Socket Bone Name

Returns bone name linked to a given named socket on the skeletal mesh component. If you're unsure to deal with sockets or bones names, you can use this function to filter through, and always return the bone name.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Get Twist and Swing Angle Of Delta Rotation from Ref Pose

Get Twist and Swing Angle in Degree of Delta Rotation from Reference Pose in Local space

First this function gets rotation of current, and rotation of ref pose in local space, and And gets twist/swing angle value from refpose aligned.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Hide Bone by Name

Hides the specified bone with name. Currently this just enforces a scale of 0 for the hidden bones. Compoared to HideBone By Index - This keeps track of list of bones and update when LOD changes

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Is Bone Hidden by Name

Determines if the specified bone is hidden.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Is Material Section Shown

Returns whether a specific material section is currently hidden on this component (by using ShowMaterialSection)

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Is Using Skin Weight Profile

Check whether or not a Skin Weight Profile is currently set

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Set Forced LOD

Set ForcedLodModel of the mesh component

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Set Master Pose Component

Set MasterPoseComponent for this component

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Set Min LOD

Set MinLodModel of the mesh component

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Set Physics Asset

Override the Physics Asset of the mesh. It uses SkeletalMesh.PhysicsAsset, but if you'd like to override use this function

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Set Render Static

Set whether this skinned mesh should be rendered as static mesh in a reference pose

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Set Skeletal Mesh

Change the SkeletalMesh that is rendered for this Component. Will re-initialize the animation tree etc.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Set Skin Weight Override

Allow override of skin weights on a per-component basis.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Set Skin Weight Profile

Setup an override Skin Weight Profile for this component

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Set Vertex Color Override

Allow override of vertex colors on a per-component basis, taking array of Blueprint-friendly LinearColors.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Show All Material Sections

Clear any material visibility modifications made by ShowMaterialSection

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Show Material Section

Allows hiding of a particular material (by ID) on this instance of a SkeletalMesh.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Transform from Bone Space

Transform a location/rotation in bone relative space to world space.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Transform to Bone Space

Transform a location/rotation from world space to bone relative space. This is handy if you know the location in world space for a bone attachment, as AttachComponent takes location/rotation in bone-relative space.

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Un Hide Bone by Name

UnHide the specified bone with name. Currently this just enforces a scale of 0 for the hidden bones. Compoared to HideBone By Index - This keeps track of list of bones and update when LOD changes

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

Unload Skin Weight Profile

Unload a Skin Weight Profile's skin weight buffer (if created)

Target is Skinned Mesh Component

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