Magic Leap

Magic Leap

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Bind to on Magic Leap ARPin Updated Delegate

Bind a dynamic delegate to the OnMagicLeapARPinUpdated event.

The delegate reports 3 arrays for ARPins added, updated and deleted. Whether a pin is considered updated is determined by whehter any of its state parameters changed a specified delta. The delta thresholds can be set in Project Settings > MagicLeapARPin Plugin

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Create Tracker

Create an ARPin tracker.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Destroy Tracker

Destroy an ARPin tracker.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Get ARPin Position and Orientation

Returns the world position & orientation of the requested Pin.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Get ARPin Position and Orientation Tracking Space

Returns the position & orientation of the requested Pin in tracking space

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Get ARPin State

Returns the state of the requested Pin.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Get ARPin State to String

Get ARPin State to String

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Get Available ARPins

Returns all the AR Pins currently available.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Get Closest ARPin

Returns the Pin closest to the target point passed in.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Get Num Available ARPins

Returns the count of currently available AR Pins.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Get Pin Data

Retrieves the data associated with this pin.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Component

Get Pin State

Returns the state of this Pin.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Component

Get Pinned Pin ID

Get the ID of the Pin the entity (component or actor) is currently pinned to.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Component

Is Pinned

True if an entity (component or actor) is currently pinned by this component. If true, the entity's transform will be locked. App needs to call UnPin() if it wants to move it again. If false, and you still want your content to persist, you will have to call PinSceneComponent() or PinActor() before EndPlay().

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Component

Is Tracker Valid

Is an ARPin tracker already created.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Pin Actor

Pin given Actor to the closest AR Pin in real-world. OnPersistentEntityPinned event will be fired when a suitable AR Pin is found for this Actor. The Actor's transform will then be locked. App needs to call UnPin() if it wants to move the Actor again.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Component

Pin Restored or Synced

True if the AR Pin for the unique ID ObjectUID was restored from the app's local storage or was repliated over network. Implies if content was already pinned earlier. Does not imply if that restored Pin is available in the current environment.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Component

Pin Scene Component

Pin given SceneComponent to the closest AR Pin in real-world. OnPersistentEntityPinned event will be fired when a suitable AR Pin is found for this component. The component's transform will then be locked. App needs to call UnPin() if it wants to move the component again.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Component

Un Bind to on Magic Leap ARPin Updated Delegate

Unbind a dynamic delegate from the OnMagicLeapARPinUpdated event.

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Function Library

Un Pin

Detach or un-pin the currently pinned entity (component or actor) from the real-world. Call this if you want to change the transform of a pinned entity. Note that if you still want your content to persist, you will have to call PinSceneComponent() or PinActor() before EndPlay().

Target is Magic Leap ARPin Component

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