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Add Metadata

Adds metadata to selected objects that implement the UInterface_AssetUserData interface.

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Add Tags

Add tags to a set of actors

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Assets Modified

Indicates an array of assets has changed during the operation. It is important to use this function if the modifications on the assets impact their appearance

Target is Dataprep Operation

Consolidate Objects

Replace all references to the assets in the array, except the first, with the first asset of the array.

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Flip Faces

Flip the faces of all elements of a set of Static Meshes or Static Mesh Actors

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Randomize Transform

Alters transform of selected objects by appling randomly generated offset to one of the transform components (rotation, scale or translation)

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Set Convex Decomposition Collision

Add complex collision on the static meshes contained in the input array by the actors contained in the input array

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Set LODGroup

Remove inputs content

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Set Lods

Generate LODs on the static meshes contained in the input array by the actors contained in the input array

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Set Material

Set the material to all elements of a set of Static Meshes or Static Mesh Actors

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Set Mesh

Set the mesh to all elements of a set of Actors containing StaticMeshComponents

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Set Mobility

Set mobility on a set of static mesh actors

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Set Simple Collision

Set one simple collision of the given shape type on the static meshes contained in the input array or referred to by the actors contained in the input array

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Set Sub Ouput Folder

Add/Edit UDataprepConsumerUserData with the requested name for the sub-folder

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Set Sub Ouput Level

Add/Edit UDataprepConsumerUserData with the requested name for the sub-level

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Substitute Material

Replaces designated materials in all or specific content folders with specific ones

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Substitute Materials by Table

Replaces designated materials in all or specific content folders with requested ones

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

Substitute Mesh

Replaces designated meshes in all or specific content folders with specific ones

Target is Dataprep Operations Library

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