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Abort Match

Report that a match has failed due to unrecoverable error

Target is Game Mode

Can Restart Player

Returns true if this controller thinks it's able to restart. Called from GameModeBase::PlayerCanRestart

Target is Player Controller

Cancel Async Loading

Cancels all currently queued streaming packages

Target is Gameplay Statics

Change Name

Sets the name for a controller

Target is Game Mode Base

Construct Object from Class

Attempts to spawn a new object

Create Instance

Creates a new instance of this streaming level with a provided unique instance name

Target is Level Streaming

Create Player

Create a new player for this game.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Enable Live Streaming

Toggle live DVR streaming.

Target is Gameplay Statics

End Match

Transition from InProgress to WaitingPostMatch. You can call this manually, will also get called if ReadyToEndMatch returns true

Target is Game Mode


Return the specific player start actor that should be used for the next spawn This will either use a previously saved startactor, or calls ChoosePlayerStart

Target is Game Mode Base

Flush Level Streaming

Flushes level streaming in blocking fashion and returns when all sub-levels are loaded / visible / hidden

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Current Level Name

Get the name of the currently-open level.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Game Bundle Id

Retrieves the game's platform-specific bundle identifier or package name of the game

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Game Instance

Returns the game instance object

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Game Mode

Returns the current GameModeBase or Null if it can't be retrieved, such as on the client

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Game Name

Get the name of the current game

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Game State

Returns the current GameStateBase or Null if it can't be retrieved

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Instigator

Returns the instigator for this actor, or nullptr if there is none.

Target is Actor

Get Instigator Controller

Returns the instigator's controller for this actor, or nullptr if there is none.

Target is Actor

Get Loaded Level

Gets a pointer to the LoadedLevel value

Target is Level Streaming

Get Match State

Returns the current match state, this is an accessor to protect the state machine flow

Target is Game Mode

Get Num Players

Returns number of active human players, excluding spectators

Target is Game Mode Base

Get Num Spectators

Returns number of human players currently spectating

Target is Game Mode Base

Get Platform Name

Returns the string name of the current platform, to perform different behavior based on platform. (Platform names include Windows, Mac, IOS, Android, PS4, XboxOne, Linux)

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Player Camera Manager

Returns the player's camera manager for the specified player index

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Player Character

Returns the player character (NULL if the player pawn doesn't exist OR is not a character) at the specified player index

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Player Controller

Returns the player controller at the specified player index

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Player Controller from ID

Returns the player controller that has the given controller ID

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Player Controller ID

Gets what controller ID a Player is using

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Player Pawn

Returns the player pawn at the specified player index

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get Streaming Level

Returns level streaming object with specified level package name

Target is Gameplay Statics

Get World Asset Package FName

Gets the package name for the world asset referred to by this level streaming as an FName

Target is Level Streaming

Get World Origin Location

Returns world origin current location.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Has Match Ended

Returns true if the match state is WaitingPostMatch or later

Target is Game Mode

Has Match Started

Returns true if the match start callbacks have been called

Target is Game Mode Base

Is Actor Being Destroyed

Returns true if this actor is currently being destroyed, some gameplay events may be unsafe

Target is Actor

Is Game Paused

Returns the game's paused state

Target is Gameplay Statics

Is Level Loaded

Returns whether streaming level is loaded

Target is Level Streaming

Is Level Visible

Returns whether streaming level is visible

Target is Level Streaming

Is Match in Progress

Returns true if the match state is InProgress or other gameplay state

Target is Game Mode

Is Streaming State Pending

Returns whether level has streaming state change pending

Target is Level Streaming

Load Stream Level

Stream the level with the LevelName ; Calling again before it finishes has no effect

Target is Gameplay Statics

On Destroyed

Event triggered when the actor has been explicitly destroyed.

On End Play

Event triggered when the actor is being deleted or removed from a level.

Open Level

Travel to another level

Target is Gameplay Statics

Player Can Restart

Returns true if it's valid to call RestartPlayer. By default will call Player->CanRestartPlayer

Target is Game Mode Base

Predict Projectile Path (Advanced)

Predict the arc of a virtual projectile affected by gravity with collision checks along the arc. Returns true if it hit something.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Predict Projectile Path By ObjectType

Predict the arc of a virtual projectile affected by gravity with collision checks along the arc. Returns a list of positions of the simulated arc and the destination reached by the simulation. Returns true if it hit something.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Predict Projectile Path By TraceChannel

Predict the arc of a virtual projectile affected by gravity with collision checks along the arc. Returns a list of positions of the simulated arc and the destination reached by the simulation. Returns true if it hit something (if tracing with collision).

Target is Gameplay Statics

Quit Game

Exit the current game

Target is Kismet System Library

Rebase Local Origin Onto Zero

Returns origin based position for local world location.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Rebase Zero Origin Onto Local

Returns local location for origin based position.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Remove Player

Removes a player from this game.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Render Target Create Static Texture Editor Only

Creates a new Static Texture from a Render Target 2D. Render Target Must be power of two and use four channels. Only works in the editor

Target is Kismet Rendering Library

Reset Level

Overridable function called when resetting level. This is used to reset the game state while staying in the same map Default implementation calls Reset() on all actors except GameMode and Controllers

Target is Game Mode Base

Restart Game

Restart the game, by default travel to the current map

Target is Game Mode

Restart Player

Tries to spawn the player's pawn, at the location returned by FindPlayerStart

Target is Game Mode Base

Restart Player at Player Start

Tries to spawn the player's pawn at the specified actor's location

Target is Game Mode Base

Restart Player at Transform

Tries to spawn the player's pawn at a specific location

Target is Game Mode Base

Return to Main Menu Host

Return to main menu, and disconnect any players

Target is Game Mode Base

Set Game Paused

Sets the game's paused state

Target is Gameplay Statics

Set Player Controller ID

Sets what controller ID a Player should be using

Target is Gameplay Statics

Set World Origin Location

Requests a new location for a world origin.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Spawn Actor from Class

Attempts to spawn a new Actor with the specified transform

Start Match

Transition from WaitingToStart to InProgress. You can call this manually, will also get called if ReadyToStartMatch returns true

Target is Game Mode

Start Play

Transitions to calls BeginPlay on actors.

Target is Game Mode Base

SuggestProjectileVelocity Custom Arc

Returns the launch velocity needed for a projectile at rest at StartPos to land on EndPos. Assumes a medium arc (e.g. 45 deg on level ground). Projectile velocity is variable and unconstrained. Does no tracing.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Unload Stream Level

Unload a streamed in level

Target is Gameplay Statics












Image Plate

Image Plate





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