Passthrough Camera

Passthrough Camera

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Acquire Camera Image

Acquire a CPU-accessible camera image.

Target is Google ARCore Frame Function Library

Get Camera Texture

Get the pass-through camera texture that GoogleARCore plugin will use to render the passthrough camera background. Note that UTexture object this function returns may change every frame. If you want to use the camera texture, you should call the function every frame and update the texture parameter in your material.

Target is Google ARCore Frame Function Library

Get Passthrough Camera Image UV

Get Passthrough Camera Image UV

Target is Google ARCore Session Function Library

Is Passthrough Camera Rendering Enabled

Returns the state of the passthrough camera rendering in GoogleARCore ARSystem.

Target is Google ARCore Session Function Library

Set Passthrough Camera Rendering Enabled

Enables/Disables the passthrough camera rendering in GoogleARCore ARSystem. Note that when passthrough camera rendering is enabled, the camera FOV will be forced to match FOV of the physical camera on the device.

Target is Google ARCore Session Function Library

Transform ARCoordinates 2D

Transforms an array of 2D coordinates into a different 2D coordinate system. This will account for the display rotation, and any additional required adjustment.

Some examples of useful conversions: To transform screen space UVs for texture space UVs to rendering pass-through camera texture: Viewport -> Texture; To transform a point found by a computer vision algorithm in the pass-through camera image into a point on the viewport: Image -> Viewport;

Target is Google ARCore Frame Function Library

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