Point Cloud

Point Cloud

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Acquire Point Cloud

Acquires latest point cloud. This will make the point cloud remain valid unless you call UGoogleARCrePointCloud::ReleasePointCloud(). Be aware that this function could fail if the maximal number of point cloud has been acquired.

Target is Google ARCore Frame Function Library

Get Point

Returns the point position in Unreal world space and it's confidence value from 0 ~ 1.

Target is Google ARCore Point Cloud

Get Point Cloud

Gets the latest point cloud that will be only available for this frame. If you want to keep the point cloud data, you can either copy it to your own struct or call AcquireLatestPointCloud() to avoid the copy.

Target is Google ARCore Frame Function Library

Get Point Id

Returns the point Id of the point at the given index.

Each point has a unique identifier (within a session) that is persistent across frames. That is, if a point from point cloud 1 has the same id as the point from point cloud 2, then it represents the same point in space.

Target is Google ARCore Point Cloud

Get Point in Tracking Space

Returns the point position in Unreal AR Tracking space.

Target is Google ARCore Point Cloud

Get Point Num

Returns the number of point inside this point cloud.

Target is Google ARCore Point Cloud

Is Updated

Checks if this point cloud has been updated in this frame.

Target is Google ARCore Point Cloud

Release Point Cloud

Release PointCloud's resources back to ArCore. Data will not be available after releasePointCloud is called.

Target is Google ARCore Point Cloud

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