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Get ARCore Camera Config

Get the FGoogleARCoreCameraConfig that the current ARCore session is using.

Target is Google ARCore Session Function Library

Get ARCore Event Manager

Get the UGoogleARCoreEventManager to bind BP events or c++ delegate in GoogleARCore plugins.

Target is Google ARCore Session Function Library

Set ARCore Camera Config

Configure the ARCoreSession with the desired camera configuration. The TargetCameraConfig must be from a list returned by UGoogleARCoreEventManager::OnCameraConfig delegate.

This function should be called when UGoogleARCoreEventManager::OnCameraConfig delegate got triggered.

Target is Google ARCore Session Function Library

Start ARCore Session

Starts a new ARCore tracking session GoogleARCore specific configuration. If the session already started and the config isn't the same, it will stop the previous session and start a new session with the new config. Note that this is a latent action, you can query the session start result by querying GetARCoreSessionStatus() after the latent action finished.

Target is Google ARCore Session Function Library

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