Magic Leap

Magic Leap

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Get All Available Attributes

Get the attributes available for the user's Magic Leap profile. Note that this does not request the values for these attribtues. This function makes a blocking call to the cloud. You can alternatively use GetAllAvailableAttributesAsync() to request the attributes asynchronously.

Target is Magic Leap Identity

Get All Available Attributes Async

Asynchronous call to get the attributes available for the user's Magic Leap profile. Note that this does not request the values for these attribtues.

Target is Magic Leap Identity

Request Attribute Value

Get the values for the attributes of the user's Magic Leap profile. This function makes a blocking call to the cloud. You can alternatively use RequestAttributeValueAsync() to request the attribute values asynchronously.

Target is Magic Leap Identity

Request Attribute Value Async

Asynchronous call to get the values for the attributes of the user's Magic Leap profile.

Target is Magic Leap Identity

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