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% (Byte)

Modulo (A % B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Byte - Byte

Subtraction (A - B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Byte > Byte

Returns true if A is greater than B (A > B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Byte >= Byte

Returns true if A is greater than or equal to B (A >= B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Byte < Byte

Returns true if A is less than B (A < B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Byte <= Byte

Returns true if A is less than or equal to B (A <= B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Byte * Byte

Multiplication (A * B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Byte / Byte

Division (A / B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Byte + Byte

Addition (A + B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Equal (Byte)

Returns true if A is equal to B (A == B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

Make Literal Byte

Creates a literal byte

Target is Kismet System Library

Max (Byte)

Returns the maximum value of A and B

Target is Kismet Math Library

Max Of Byte Array

Returns max of all array entries and the index at which it was found. Returns value of 0 and index of -1 if the supplied array is empty.

Target is Kismet Math Library

Min (Byte)

Returns the minimum value of A and B

Target is Kismet Math Library

Min Of Byte Array

Returns min of all array entries and the index at which it was found. Returns value of 0 and index of -1 if the supplied array is empty.

Target is Kismet Math Library

NotEqual (Byte)

Returns true if A is not equal to B (A != B)

Target is Kismet Math Library

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