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Break Vector

Breaks a vector apart into X, Y, Z

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Clamp Vector Size

Create a copy of this vector, with its magnitude/size/length clamped between Min and Max.

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Create Vector from Yaw Pitch

Creates a directional vector from rotation values {Pitch, Yaw} supplied in degrees with specified Length

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Cross Product

Returns the cross product of two 3d vectors - see

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Distance (Vector)

Distance between two points.

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Distance Squared (Vector)

Squared distance between two points.

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Distance2D (Vector)

Euclidean distance between two points in the XY plane (ignoring Z).

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Distance2D Squared (Vector)

Squared euclidean distance between two points in the XY plane (ignoring Z).

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Dot Product

Returns the dot product of two 3d vectors - see

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Equal (Vector)

Returns true if vector A is equal to vector B (A == B) within a specified error tolerance

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Equal Exactly (Vector)

Returns true if vector A is equal to vector B (A == B)

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Equal Exactly (Vector2D)

Returns true if vector A is equal to vector B (A == B)

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Find Closest Point on Line

Find the closest point on an infinite line to a given point.

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Find Closest Point on Segment

Find the closest point on a segment to a given point.

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Find Nearest Points on Line Segments

Find closest points between 2 segments.

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Get Azimuth and Elevation

Breaks a direction vector apart into Azimuth (Yaw) and Elevation (Pitch) rotation values given in degrees. (non-clamped) Relative to the provided reference frame (an Actor's WorldTransform for example)

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Get Forward Vector

Rotate the world forward vector by the given rotation

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Get Max Element

Find the maximum element (X, Y or Z) of a vector

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Get Min Element

Find the minimum element (X, Y or Z) of a vector

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Get Point Distance to Line

Find the distance from a point to the closest point on an infinite line.

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Get Point Distance to Segment

Find the distance from a point to the closest point on a segment.

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Get Reflection Vector

Given a direction vector and a surface normal, returns the vector reflected across the surface normal. Produces a result like shining a laser at a mirror!

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Get Right Vector

Rotate the world right vector by the given rotation

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Get Unit Direction (Vector)

Find the unit direction vector from one position to another or (0,0,0) if positions are the same.

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Get Up Vector

Rotate the world up vector by the given rotation

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Get Vector Array Average

Find the average of an array of vectors

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Get Yaw Pitch from Vector

Breaks a vector apart into Yaw, Pitch rotation values given in degrees. (non-clamped)

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Is Normal (Vector)

Determines if vector is normalized / unit (length 1).

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Is Uniform (Vector)

Checks whether all components of this vector are the same, within a tolerance.

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Is Unit (Vector)

Determines if vector is normalized / unit (length 1) within specified squared tolerance.

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Lerp (Vector)

Linearly interpolates between A and B based on Alpha (100% of A when Alpha=0 and 100% of B when Alpha=1)

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Make Vector

Makes a vector {X, Y, Z}

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Mirror Vector by Normal

Given a direction vector and a surface normal, returns the vector reflected across the surface normal. Produces a result like shining a laser at a mirror!

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Negate Vector

Negate a vector.

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Normal unsafe (Vector)

Calculates normalized unit version of vector without checking for zero length.

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Gets a normalized unit copy of the vector, ensuring it is safe to do so based on the length. Returns zero vector if vector length is too small to safely normalize.

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Normalize 2D (Vector)

Gets a normalized unit copy of the 2D components of the vector, ensuring it is safe to do so. Z is set to zero. Returns zero vector if vector length is too small to normalize.

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Normalize In Place (Vector)

Normalize this vector in-place if it is large enough or set it to (0,0,0) otherwise.

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Not Equal (Vector)

Returns true if vector A is not equal to vector B (A != B) within a specified error tolerance

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Project Point on to Plane

Projects/snaps a point onto a plane defined by a point on the plane and a plane normal.

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Project Vector on to Plane

Projects a vector onto a plane defined by a normalized vector (PlaneNormal).

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Project Vector on to Vector

Projects one vector (V) onto another (Target) and returns the projected vector. If Target is nearly zero in length, returns the zero vector.

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Reciprocal (Vector)

Gets the reciprocal of this vector, avoiding division by zero. Zero components are set to BIG_NUMBER.

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Returns result of vector A rotated by Rotator B

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Returns result of vector A rotated by AngleDeg around Axis

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Rotator from Axis and Angle

Create a rotation from an this axis and supplied angle (in degrees)

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Select Vector

If bPickA is true, A is returned, otherwise B is

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Returns result of vector A rotated by the inverse of Rotator B

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vector - float

Subtracts a float from each component of a vector

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vector - int

Subtracts an integer from each component of a vector

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vector - vector

Vector subtraction

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vector * float

Scales Vector A by B

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vector * int

Scales Vector A by B

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vector * vector

Element-wise Vector multiplication (Result = {A.x*B.x, A.y*B.y, A.z*B.z})

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vector / float

Vector divide by a float

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vector / int

Vector divide by an integer

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vector / vector

Element-wise Vector division (Result = {A.x/B.x, A.y/B.y, A.z/B.z})

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vector + float

Adds a float to each component of a vector

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vector + int

Adds an integer to each component of a vector

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vector + vector

Vector addition

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Vector Add Bounded

Add a vector to this and clamp the result to an axis aligned cube centered at the origin.

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Vector Assign

Assign the values of the supplied vector.

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Vector Backward

3D vector Unreal backward direction constant (-1,0,0)

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Vector Bounded to Box

Get a copy of this vector, clamped inside of the specified axis aligned cube.

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Vector Bounded to Cube

Get a copy of this vector, clamped inside of an axis aligned cube centered at the origin.

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Vector Clamp Size 2D

Create a copy of this vector, with the 2D magnitude/size/length clamped between Min and Max. Z is unchanged.

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Vector Clamp Size Max

Create a copy of this vector, with its maximum magnitude/size/length clamped to MaxSize.

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Vector Clamp Size Max 2D

Create a copy of this vector, with the maximum 2D magnitude/size/length clamped to MaxSize. Z is unchanged.

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Vector Component Max

Find the maximum elements (X, Y and Z) between the two vector's components

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Vector Component Min

Find the minimum elements (X, Y and Z) between the two vector's components

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Vector Cosine Angle 2D

Returns the cosine of the angle between this vector and another projected onto the XY plane (no Z).

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Vector Down

3D vector Unreal down direction constant (0,0,-1)

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Vector Forward

3D vector Unreal forward direction constant (1,0,0)

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Vector Get Abs

Get a copy of this vector with absolute value of each component.

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Vector Get Abs Max

Find the maximum absolute element (abs(X), abs(Y) or abs(Z)) of a vector

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Vector Get Abs Min

Find the minimum absolute element (abs(X), abs(Y) or abs(Z)) of a vector

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Vector Get Projection

Projects 2D components of vector based on Z.

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Vector Get Sign Vector

Get a copy of the vector as sign only. Each component is set to +1 or -1, with the sign of zero treated as +1.

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Vector Heading Angle

Convert a direction vector into a 'heading' angle.

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Vector Is NAN

Determines if any component is not a number (NAN)

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Vector Is Nearly Zero

Checks whether vector is near to zero within a specified tolerance.

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Vector Is Zero

Checks whether all components of the vector are exactly zero.

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Vector Left

3D vector Unreal left direction constant (0,-1,0)

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Vector Mirror by Plane

Mirrors a vector about a plane.

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Vector One

3D vector one constant (1,1,1)

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Vector Project on to Normal

Gets a copy of this vector projected onto the input vector, which is assumed to be unit length.

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Vector Right

3D vector Unreal right direction constant (0,1,0)

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Vector Set

Set the values of the vector directly.

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Vector Snapped to Grid

Gets a copy of this vector snapped to a grid.

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Vector to Degrees

Converts a vector containing radian values to a vector containing degree values.

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Vector to Radians

Converts a vector containing degree values to a vector containing radian values.

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Vector Unit Cartesian to Spherical

Converts a Cartesian unit vector into spherical coordinates on the unit sphere.

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Vector Unwind Euler

When this vector contains Euler angles (degrees), ensure that angles are between +/-180

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Vector Up

3D vector Unreal up direction constant (0,0,1)

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Vector Zero

3D vector zero constant (0,0,0)

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Returns the length of the vector

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Returns the squared length of the vector

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Returns the length of the vector's XY components.

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Returns the squared length of the vector's XY components.

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