Mesh Description

Mesh Description

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Compute Polygon Triangulation

Generates triangles and internal edges for the given polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Cube

Create Cube

Target is Static Mesh Description

Create Edge

Adds a new edge to the mesh and returns its ID

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Edge with ID

Adds a new edge to the mesh with the given ID

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Polygon

Adds a new polygon to the mesh and returns its ID. This will also make any missing edges, and all constituent triangles.

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Polygon Group

Adds a new polygon group to the mesh and returns its ID

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Polygon Group with ID

Adds a new polygon group to the mesh with the given ID

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Polygon with ID

Adds a new polygon to the mesh with the given ID. This will also make any missing edges, and all constituent triangles.

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Triangle

Adds a new triangle to the mesh and returns its ID. This will also make an encapsulating polygon, and any missing edges.

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Triangle with ID

Adds a new triangle to the mesh with the given ID. This will also make an encapsulating polygon, and any missing edges.

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Vertex

Adds a new vertex to the mesh and returns its ID

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Vertex Instance

Adds a new vertex instance to the mesh and returns its ID

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Vertex Instance with ID

Adds a new vertex instance to the mesh with the given ID

Target is Mesh Description Base

Create Vertex with ID

Adds a new vertex to the mesh with the given ID

Target is Mesh Description Base

Delete Edge

Deletes an edge from a mesh

Target is Mesh Description Base

Delete Polygon

Deletes a polygon from the mesh

Target is Mesh Description Base

Delete Polygon Group

Deletes a polygon group from the mesh

Target is Mesh Description Base

Delete Triangle

Deletes a triangle from the mesh

Target is Mesh Description Base

Delete Vertex

Deletes a vertex from the mesh

Target is Mesh Description Base

Delete Vertex Instance

Deletes a vertex instance from a mesh

Target is Mesh Description Base


Empty the mesh description

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Edge Connected Polygons

Returns the polygons connected to this edge

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Edge Connected Triangles

Returns reference to an array of triangle IDs connected to this edge

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Edge Vertex

Returns the vertex ID corresponding to one of the edge endpoints

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Edge Vertices

Returns a pair of vertex IDs defining the edge

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Edge Connected Polygons

Returns the number of polygons connected to this edge

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Edge Connected Triangles

Returns the number of triangles connected to this edge

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Polygon Group Polygons

Returns the number of polygons in this polygon group

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Polygon Internal Edges

Return the number of internal edges in this polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Polygon Triangles

Return the number of triangles which comprise this polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Polygon Vertices

Returns the number of vertices this polygon has

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Vertex Connected Edges

Returns number of edges connected to this vertex

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Vertex Connected Polygons

Returns the number of polygons connected to this vertex

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Vertex Connected Triangles

Returns number of triangles connected to this vertex

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Vertex Instance Connected Polygons

Returns the number of polygons connected to this vertex instance.

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Vertex Instance Connected Triangles

Returns the number of triangles connected to this vertex instance

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Num Vertex Vertex Instances

Returns number of vertex instances created from this vertex

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Polygon Adjacent Polygons

Populates the passed array with adjacent polygons

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Polygon Group Polygons

Returns the polygons associated with the given polygon group

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Polygon Internal Edges

Populate the provided array with a list of edges which are internal to the polygon, i.e. those which separate constituent triangles.

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Polygon Perimeter Edges

Returns the edges which form the polygon perimeter

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Polygon Polygon Group

Return the polygon group associated with a polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Polygon Triangles

Return reference to an array of triangle IDs which comprise this polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Polygon Vertex Instances

Returns reference to an array of VertexInstance IDs forming the perimeter of this polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Polygon Vertices

Returns the vertices which form the polygon perimeter

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Triangle Adjacent Triangles

Returns the adjacent triangles to this triangle

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Triangle Edges

Returns the edges which define this triangle

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Triangle Polygon

Get the polygon which contains this triangle

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Triangle Polygon Group

Get the polygon group which contains this triangle

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Triangle Vertex Instance

Get the specified vertex instance by index

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Triangle Vertex Instances

Get the vertex instances which define this triangle

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Triangle Vertices

Returns the vertices which define this triangle

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Adjacent Vertices

Returns the vertices adjacent to this vertex

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Connected Edges

Returns reference to an array of Edge IDs connected to this vertex

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Connected Polygons

Returns the polygons connected to this vertex

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Connected Triangles

Returns the triangles connected to this vertex

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Instance Connected Polygons

Returns the polygons connected to this vertex instance

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Instance Connected Triangles

Returns reference to an array of Triangle IDs connected to this vertex instance

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Instance for Polygon Vertex

Return the vertex instance which corresponds to the given vertex on the given polygon, or FVertexInstanceID::Invalid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Instance for Triangle Vertex

Return the vertex instance which corresponds to the given vertex on the given triangle, or FVertexInstanceID::Invalid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Instance Pair Edge

Returns the edge ID defined by the two given vertex instance IDs, if there is one; otherwise FEdgeID::Invalid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Instance UV

Get Vertex Instance UV

Target is Static Mesh Description

Get Vertex Instance Vertex

Returns the vertex ID associated with the given vertex instance

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Pair Edge

Returns the edge ID defined by the two given vertex IDs, if there is one; otherwise FEdgeID::Invalid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Position

Gets a vertex position

Target is Mesh Description Base

Get Vertex Vertex Instances

Returns reference to an array of VertexInstance IDs instanced from this vertex

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Edge Internal

Determine whether a given edge is an internal edge between triangles of a polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Edge Internal to Polygon

Determine whether a given edge is an internal edge between triangles of a specific polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Edge Valid

Returns whether the passed edge ID is valid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Empty

Return whether the mesh description is empty

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Polygon Group Valid

Returns whether the passed polygon group ID is valid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Polygon Valid

Returns whether the passed polygon ID is valid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Triangle Part Of Ngon

Determines if this triangle is part of an n-gon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Triangle Valid

Returns whether the passed triangle ID is valid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Vertex Instance Valid

Returns whether the passed vertex instance ID is valid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Vertex Orphaned

Returns whether a given vertex is orphaned, i.e. it doesn't form part of any polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Is Vertex Valid

Returns whether the passed vertex ID is valid

Target is Mesh Description Base

Reserve New Edges

Reserves space for this number of new edges

Target is Mesh Description Base

Reserve New Polygon Groups

Reserves space for this number of new polygon groups

Target is Mesh Description Base

Reserve New Polygons

Reserves space for this number of new polygons

Target is Mesh Description Base

Reserve New Triangles

Reserves space for this number of new triangles

Target is Mesh Description Base

Reserve New Vertex Instances

Reserves space for this number of new vertex instances

Target is Mesh Description Base

Reserve New Vertices

Reserves space for this number of new vertices

Target is Mesh Description Base

Reverse Polygon Facing

Reverse the winding order of the vertices of this polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Set Polygon Group Material Slot Name

Set Polygon Group Material Slot Name

Target is Static Mesh Description

Set Polygon Polygon Group

Sets the polygon group associated with a polygon

Target is Mesh Description Base

Set Polygon Vertex Instance

Set the vertex instance at the given index around the polygon to the new value

Target is Mesh Description Base

Set Vertex Instance UV

Set Vertex Instance UV

Target is Static Mesh Description

Set Vertex Position

Sets a vertex position

Target is Mesh Description Base

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