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Advance Simulation

Advances this system's simulation by the specified number of ticks and delta time.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Advance Simulation by Time

Advances this system's simulation by the specified time in seconds and delta time. Advancement is done in whole ticks of TickDeltaSeconds so actual simulated time will be the nearest lower multiple of TickDeltaSeconds.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Fill Raw Texture 2D

Fill Raw Texture 2D

Target is Grid2D Collection

Fill Texture 2D

Fills a texture render target 2d with the current data from the simulation

todo(dmp): this will eventually go away when we formalize how data makes it out of Niagara

Target is Grid2D Collection

Get Age Update Mode

Get Age Update Mode

Target is Niagara Particle System

Get Bool Parameter

Accessors from Blueprint. For now just exposing common types but ideally we can expose any somehow in future.

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Get Color Parameter

Get Color Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Get Data Interface

Get Data Interface

Target is Niagara Particle System

Get Desired Age

Gets the desired age of the System instance. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Get Desired Age Seek Delta

Gets the delta value which is used when seeking from the current age, to the desired age. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Get Float Parameter

Get Float Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Get Int Parameter

Get Int Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Get Max Desired Age Tick Delta

Sets the maximum time that you can jump within a tick which is used when seeking from the current age, to the desired age. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Get Niagara Emitter Float Attrib

Debug accessors for getting a float attribute array in blueprints. The attribute name should be without namespaces. For example for "Particles.Position", send "Position".

Target is Niagara Particle System

Get Niagara Emitter Positions

Debug accessors for getting positions in blueprints.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Get Niagara Emitter Vec3 Attrib

Debug accessors for getting a FVector attribute array in blueprints. The attribute name should be without namespaces. For example for "Particles.Position", send "Position".

Target is Niagara Particle System

Get Niagara Parameter Collection

This is gonna be totally reworked UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = Niagara, meta = (Keywords = "niagara System", UnsafeDuringActorConstruction = "true")) static void SetUpdateScriptConstant(UNiagaraComponent* Component, FName EmitterName, FName ConstantName, FVector Value);

Target is Niagara Function Library

Get Niagara System Asset

Get Asset

Target is Niagara Particle System

Get Quaternion Parameter

Get Quat Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Get Raw Texture Size

Get Raw Texture Size

Target is Grid2D Collection

Get Texture Size

Get Texture Size

Target is Grid2D Collection

Get Vector Parameter

Get Vector Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Get Vector2D Parameter

Get Vector 2DParameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Get Vector4 Parameter

Get Vector 4Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Is In Forced Solo Mode

Get Force Solo

Target is Niagara Particle System

Is Paused

Is Paused

Target is Niagara Particle System

Receive Particle Data (Interface Call)

This function is called once per tick with the gathered particle data. It will not be called if there is no particle data to call it with.

Target is Niagara Particle Callback Handler

Receive Particle Data (Message)

This function is called once per tick with the gathered particle data. It will not be called if there is no particle data to call it with.

Target is Niagara Particle Callback Handler

Reinitialize System

Called on when an external object wishes to force this System to reinitialize itself from the System data.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Reset System

Resets the System to it's initial pre-simulated state.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Seek to Desired Age

Sets the desired age of the System instance and designates that this change is a seek. When seeking to a desired age the The component can optionally prevent rendering.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Age Update Mode

Sets the age update mode for the System instance.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Auto Destroy

Set Auto Destroy

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Bool Parameter

Set Bool Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Set Can Render While Seeking

Sets whether or not the system can render while seeking.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Color Parameter

Set Color Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Set Desired Age

Sets the desired age of the System instance. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Desired Age Seek Delta

Sets the delta value which is used when seeking from the current age, to the desired age. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Float Parameter

Set Float Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Set Forced Solo Mode

Set Force Solo

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Int Parameter

Set Int Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Set Max Desired Age Tick Delta

Sets the maximum time that you can jump within a tick which is used when seeking from the current age, to the desired age. This is only relevant when using the DesiredAge age update mode.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Skeletal Mesh Component

Sets a Niagara StaticMesh parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Function Library

Set Niagara Static Mesh Component

Sets a Niagara StaticMesh parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Function Library

Set Niagara Static Mesh Directly

Override System User Variable Static Mesh

Target is Niagara Function Library

Set Niagara System Asset

Set Asset

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Actor)

Set Variable Actor

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Bool)

Sets a Niagara float parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Float)

Sets a Niagara float parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Int32)

Sets a Niagara int parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (LinearColor)

Sets a Niagara FLinearColor parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Material)

Set Variable Material

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Object)

Set Variable Object

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Quaternion)

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Vector2)

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Vector3)

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable (Vector4)

Sets a Niagara Vector4 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (Actor)

Set Niagara Variable Actor

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (Bool)

Sets a Niagara float parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (Float)

Sets a Niagara float parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (Int32)

Sets a Niagara int parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (LinearColor)

Sets a Niagara FLinearColor parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (Object)

Set Niagara Variable Object

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (Quaternion)

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (Vector2)

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (Vector3)

Sets a Niagara Vector3 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Niagara Variable By String (Vector4)

Sets a Niagara Vector4 parameter by name, overriding locally if necessary.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Paused

Set Paused

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Quaternion Parameter

Set Quat Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Set Rendering Enabled

Sets whether or not rendering is enabled for this component.

Target is Niagara Particle System

Set Texture Object

Overrides the Texture Object for a Niagara Texture Data Interface User Parameter.

Target is Niagara Function Library

Set Vector Parameter

Set Vector Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Set Vector2D Parameter

Set Vector 2DParameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Set Vector4 Parameter

Set Vector 4Parameter

Target is Niagara Parameter Collection Instance

Set Volume Texture Object

Overrides the Volume Texture for a Niagara Volume Texture Data Interface User Parameter.

Target is Niagara Function Library

Spawn System at Location

Spawns a Niagara System at the specified world location/rotation

Target is Niagara Function Library

Spawn System Attached

Spawn System Attached

Target is Niagara Function Library




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