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Add Controller Pitch Input

Add input (affecting Pitch) to the Controller's ControlRotation, if it is a local PlayerController. This value is multiplied by the PlayerController's InputPitchScale value.

Target is Pawn

Add Controller Roll Input

Add input (affecting Roll) to the Controller's ControlRotation, if it is a local PlayerController. This value is multiplied by the PlayerController's InputRollScale value.

Target is Pawn

Add Controller Yaw Input

Add input (affecting Yaw) to the Controller's ControlRotation, if it is a local PlayerController. This value is multiplied by the PlayerController's InputYawScale value.

Target is Pawn

Add Movement Input

Add movement input along the given world direction vector (usually normalized) scaled by 'ScaleValue'. If ScaleValue < 0, movement will be in the opposite direction. Base Pawn classes won't automatically apply movement, it's up to the user to do so in a Tick event. Subclasses such as Character and DefaultPawn automatically handle this input and move.

Target is Pawn

Consume Movement Input Vector

Returns the pending input vector and resets it to zero. This should be used during a movement update (by the Pawn or PawnMovementComponent) to prevent accumulation of control input between frames. Copies the pending input vector to the saved input vector (GetLastMovementInputVector()).

Target is Pawn

Get Last Movement Input Vector

Return the last input vector in world space that was processed by ConsumeMovementInputVector(), which is usually done by the Pawn or PawnMovementComponent. Any user that needs to know about the input that last affected movement should use this function. For example an animation update would want to use this, since by default the order of updates in a frame is: PlayerController (device input) -> MovementComponent -> Pawn -> Mesh (animations)

Target is Pawn

Get Pending Movement Input Vector

Return the pending input vector in world space. This is the most up-to-date value of the input vector, pending ConsumeMovementInputVector() which clears it, Usually only a PawnMovementComponent will want to read this value, or the Pawn itself if it is responsible for movement.

Target is Pawn

Is Move Input Ignored

Helper to see if move input is ignored. If our controller is a PlayerController, checks Controller->IsMoveInputIgnored().

Target is Pawn

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