Save Game

Save Game

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Async Load Game from Slot

Schedule an async load of a specific slot. UGameplayStatics::AsyncLoadGameFromSlot is the native version of this. When the load has succeeded or failed, the completed pin is activated with success/failure and the newly loaded save game object if valid. Keep in mind that some platforms may not support trying to load and save at the same time.

Target is Async Action Handle Save Game

Async Save Game to Slot

Schedule an async save to a specific slot. UGameplayStatics::AsyncSaveGameToSlot is the native version of this. When the save has succeeded or failed, the completed pin is activated with success/failure and the save game object. Keep in mind that some platforms may not support trying to load and save at the same time.

Target is Async Action Handle Save Game

Create Save Game Object

Create a new, empty SaveGame object to set data on and then pass to SaveGameToSlot.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Delete Game in Slot

Delete a save game in a particular slot.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Does Save Game Exist

See if a save game exists with the specified name.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Load Game from Slot

Load the contents from a given slot.

Target is Gameplay Statics

Save Game to Slot

Save the contents of the SaveGameObject to a platform-specific save slot/file. Note: This will write out all non-transient properties, the SaveGame property flag is not checked

Target is Gameplay Statics

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