

On this page


Add Marked Frame

  • Add a given user marked frame.

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Add Master Track

Add a new master track of the specified type

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Add Possessable

Add a new binding to this sequence that will possess the specified object

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Add Spawnable from Class

Add a new binding to this sequence that will spawn the specified object

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Add Spawnable from Instance

Add a new binding to this sequence that will spawn the specified object

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Add Track

Add a new track to the specified binding

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Delete Marked Frame

  • @DeleteIndex The index to the user marked frame to delete

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Delete Marked Frames

  • Delete all user marked frames

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Find Binding by Name

Attempt to locate a binding in this sequence by its name

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Find Marked Frame by Frame Number

  • @InFrameNumber The frame number of the user marked frame to find

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Find Marked Frame by Label

  • @InLabel The label to the user marked frame to find

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Find Master Tracks by Exact Type

Find all master tracks of the specified type, not allowing sub-classed types

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Find Master Tracks by Type

Find all master tracks of the specified type

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Find Next Marked Frame

  • @InFrameNumber The frame number to find the next/previous user marked frame from

  • @bForward Find forward from the given frame number.

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Find Tracks by Exact Type

Find all tracks within a given binding of the specified type, not allowing sub-classed types

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Find Tracks by Type

Find all tracks within a given binding of the specified type

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Get Bindings

Get all the bindings in this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Child Possessables

Get all the children of this binding

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Get Display Name

Get this binding's name

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Get Display Rate

Gets this sequence's display rate

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get End Frame

Get the ending frame for the specified range, if it has one. Defined as the first subsequent frame that is outside of the range.

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Get End Seconds

Get the ending time for the specified range in seconds, if it has one. Defined as the first time that is outside of the range.

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Get Id

Get this binding's ID

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Get Marked Frames

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Master Tracks

Get all master tracks

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Movie Scene

Get this sequence's movie scene data

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Name

Get this binding's object non-display name

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Get Object Template

Get this binding's object template

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Get Parent

Get the parent of this binding

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Get Playback End

Get playback end of this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Playback End Seconds

Get playback end of this sequence in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Playback Range

Get playback range of this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Playback Start

Get playback start of this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Playback Start Seconds

Get playback start of this sequence in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Possessables

Get all the possessables in this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Possessed Object Class

Get this binding's possessed object class

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Get Sequence Binding

Access an identifier for any object binding within a sequence

Get Spawnables

Get all the spawnables in this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Start Frame

Get the starting frame for the specified range, if it has one. Defined as the first valid frame that is inside the range.

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Get Start Seconds

Get the starting time for the specified range in seconds, if it has one. Defined as the first valid time that is inside the range.

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Get Tick Resolution

Gets this sequence's tick resolution

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Timecode Source

Get the timecode source of this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Tracks

Get all the tracks stored within this binding

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Get View Range End

Get the sequence view range end in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get View Range Start

Get the sequence view range start in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Work Range End

Get the sequence work range end in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Get Work Range Start

Get the sequence work range start in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

GetTransformOrigin (Interface Call)

Get the transform from which all absolute component transform sections should be relative. Scale is ignored.

Target is Transform Origin

GetTransformOrigin (Message)

Get the transform from which all absolute component transform sections should be relative. Scale is ignored.

Target is Transform Origin

Has End

Check whether this range has an end

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Has Start

Check whether this range has a start

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Is Read Only

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Is Valid

Check whether the specified binding is valid

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Locate Bound Objects

Locate all the objects that correspond to the specified object ID, using the specified context

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Make Binding ID

Make a binding id for the given binding in this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Make Range

Make a new range for this sequence in its display rate

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Make Range Seconds

Make a new range for this sequence in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

On Evaluate (Interface Call)

Evaluate the easing with an interpolation value between 0 and 1

Target is Easing Function

On Evaluate (Message)

Evaluate the easing with an interpolation value between 0 and 1

Target is Easing Function


Remove the specified binding

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Remove End

Remove the end from this range, making it infinite

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Remove Start

Remove the start from this range, making it infinite

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Remove Track

Remove the specified track from this binding

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Set Display Rate

Sets this sequence's display rate

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set End Frame

Set the ending frame for the specified range. Interpreted as the first subsequent frame that is outside of the range.

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Set End Seconds

Set the ending time for the specified range in seconds. Interpreted as the first time that is outside of the range.

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Set Parent

Set the parent to this binding

Target is Movie Scene Binding Extensions

Set Playback End

Set playback end of this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set Playback End Seconds

Set playback end of this sequence in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set Playback Start

Set playback start of this sequence

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set Playback Start Seconds

Set playback start of this sequence in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set Read Only

  • @bInReadOnly Whether the movie scene should be read only or not

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set Start Frame

Set the starting frame for the specified range. Interpreted as the first valid frame that is inside the range.

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Set Start Seconds

Set the starting time for the specified range in seconds. Interpreted as the first valid time that is inside the range.

Target is Sequencer Scripting Range Extensions

Set Tick Resolution

Sets this sequence's tick resolution

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set View Range End

Set the sequence view range end in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set View Range Start

Set the sequence view range start in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set Work Range End

Set the sequence work range end in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

Set Work Range Start

Set the sequence work range start in seconds

Target is Movie Scene Sequence Extensions

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