Static Mesh

Static Mesh

On this page


Add Material

Adds a new material and return its slot name

Target is Static Mesh

Add Socket

Add a socket object in this StaticMesh.

Target is Static Mesh

Build from Static Mesh Descriptions

Builds static mesh LODs from the array of StaticMeshDescriptions passed in

Target is Static Mesh

Create Static Mesh Description

Create an empty StaticMeshDescription object, to describe a static mesh at runtime

Target is Static Mesh

Find Socket

Find a socket object in this StaticMesh by name. Entering NAME_None will return NULL. If there are multiple sockets with the same name, will return the first one.

Target is Static Mesh

Get Bounding Box

Returns the bounding box, in local space including bounds extension(s), of the StaticMesh asset

Target is Static Mesh

Get Bounds

Returns the number of bounds of the mesh.

Target is Static Mesh

Get Material

Gets a Material given a Material Index and an LOD number

Target is Static Mesh

Get Material Index

Gets a Material index given a slot name

Target is Static Mesh

Get Minimum LODFor Platform

Get Minimum LODFor Platform

Target is Static Mesh

Get Minimum LODFor Platforms

Get Minimum LODFor Platforms

Target is Static Mesh

Get Num LODs

Returns the number of LODs used by the mesh.

Target is Static Mesh

Get Num Sections

Returns number of Sections that this StaticMesh has, in the supplied LOD (LOD 0 is the highest)

Target is Static Mesh

Remove Socket

Remove a socket object in this StaticMesh by providing it's pointer. Use FindSocket() if needed.

Target is Static Mesh

Set Material

Sets a Material given a Material Index

Target is Static Mesh

Set Num Source Models

Set Num Source Models

Target is Static Mesh

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