User Interface

User Interface

On this page


Create Drag & Drop Operation

Creates a new drag drop operation

Create Widget

Creates a new widget

Get Current Draw Size

Returns the "actual" draw size of the quad in the world

Target is Widget Component

Get Cylinder Arc Angle

Defines the curvature of the widget component when using EWidgetGeometryMode::Cylinder; ignored otherwise.

Target is Widget Component

Get Draw at Desired Size

Get Draw at Desired Size

Target is Widget Component

Get Draw Size

Returns the "specified" draw size of the quad in the world

Target is Widget Component

Get Geometry Mode

See: EWidgetGeometryMode, See: GetCylinderArcAngle()

Target is Widget Component

Get Manually Redraw

See: bManuallyRedraw

Target is Widget Component

Get Material Instance

Returns the dynamic material instance used to render the user widget

Target is Widget Component

Get Owner Player

Gets the local player that owns this widget component.

Target is Widget Component

Get Pivot

Returns the pivot point where the UI is rendered about the origin.

Target is Widget Component

Get Redraw Time

Get Redraw Time

Target is Widget Component

Get Render Target

Returns the render target to which the user widget is rendered

Target is Widget Component

Get User Widget Object

Returns the user widget object displayed by this component

Target is Widget Component

Get Widget Space

Get Widget Space

Target is Widget Component

Get Window Focusable

See: bWindowFocusable

Target is Widget Component

Get Window Visiblility

Gets the visibility of the virtual window created to host the widget focusable.

Target is Widget Component

Request Redraw

Requests that the widget be redrawn.

Target is Widget Component

Set Background Color

Sets the background color and opacityscale for this widget

Target is Widget Component

Set Cylinder Arc Angle

Defines the curvature of the widget component when using EWidgetGeometryMode::Cylinder; ignored otherwise.

Target is Widget Component

Set Draw at Desired Size

Set Draw at Desired Size

Target is Widget Component

Set Draw Size

Sets the draw size of the quad in the world

Target is Widget Component

Set Geometry Mode

Set Geometry Mode

Target is Widget Component

Set Manually Redraw

See: bManuallyRedraw

Target is Widget Component

Set Mouse Cursor Widget

Sets the Widget for the Mouse Cursor to display

Target is Player Controller

Set Owner Player

Sets the local player that owns this widget component. Setting the owning player controls which player's viewport the widget appears on in a split screen scenario. Additionally it forwards the owning player to the actual UserWidget that is spawned.

Target is Widget Component

Set Pivot

Set Pivot

Target is Widget Component

Set Redraw Time

Set Redraw Time

Target is Widget Component

Set Tint Color and Opacity

Sets the tint color and opacity scale for this widget

Target is Widget Component

Set Widget

Sets the widget to use directly. This function will keep track of the widget till the next time it's called with either a newer widget or a nullptr

Target is Widget Component

Set Widget Space

Set Widget Space

Target is Widget Component

Set Window Focusable

See: bWindowFocusable

Target is Widget Component

Set Window Visibility

Sets the visibility of the virtual window created to host the widget focusable.

Target is Widget Component








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