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Can Launch URL

Can Launch URL

Target is Kismet System Library

Collect Garbage

Deletes all unreferenced objects, keeping only referenced objects (this command will be queued and happen at the end of the frame) Note: This can be a slow operation, and should only be performed where a hitch would be acceptable

Target is Kismet System Library

Control Screensaver

Allows or inhibits screensaver

Target is Kismet System Library

Force Close Ad Banner

Forces closed any displayed ad. Can lead to loss of revenue (iOS and Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Ad ID Count

Retrieves the total number of Ad IDs that can be selected between

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Default Language

Get the default language (for localization) used by this platform Note: This is typically the same as GetDefaultLocale unless the platform distinguishes between the two Note: This should be returned in IETF language tag form:

  • A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code (eg, "zh")

  • An optional four-letter ISO 15924 script code (eg, "Hans")

  • An optional two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code (eg, "CN")

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Default Locale

Get the default locale (for internationalization) used by this platform Note: This should be returned in IETF language tag form:

  • A two-letter ISO 639-1 language code (eg, "zh")

  • An optional four-letter ISO 15924 script code (eg, "Hans")

  • An optional two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code (eg, "CN")

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Device Id

Returns the platform specific unique device id

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Gamepad Controller Name

Returns name of controller if assigned to a gamepad (or None if not assigned) (Android and iOS only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Local Currency Code

Returns the currency code associated with the device's locale

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Local Currency Symbol

Returns the currency symbol associated with the device's locale

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Platform User Dir

Get the current user dir from the OS

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Platform User Name

Get the current user name from the OS

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Preferred Languages

Returns an array of the user's preferred languages in order of preference

Target is Kismet System Library

Get Volume Buttons Handled by System

Returns true if system default handling of volume up and volume down buttons enabled (Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Hide Ad Banner

Hides the ad banner (iAd on iOS, or AdMob on Android). Will force close the ad if it's open (iOS and Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Is Controller Assigned to Gamepad

Returns true if controller id assigned to a gamepad (Android and iOS only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Is Interstitial Ad Available

Returns true if the requested interstitial ad is loaded and ready (Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Is Interstitial Ad Requested

Returns true if the requested interstitial ad has been successfully requested (false if load request fails) (Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Is Screensaver Enabled

Returns true if screen saver is enabled.

Target is Kismet System Library

Launch URL

Opens the specified URL in the platform's web browser of choice

Target is Kismet System Library

Load Interstitial Ad

Will load a fullscreen interstitial AdMob ad. Call this before using ShowInterstitialAd (Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Register for Remote Notifications

Requests permission to send remote notifications to the user's device. (Android and iOS only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Reset Gamepad Assignment to Controller

  • Resets the gamepad assignment to player controller id (Android and iOS only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Reset Gamepad Assignments

Resets the gamepad to player controller id assignments (Android and iOS only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Set Gamepads Block Device Feedback

Sets whether attached gamepads will block feedback from the device itself (Mobile only).

Target is Kismet System Library

Set Volume Buttons Handled by System

Allows or inhibits system default handling of volume up and volume down buttons (Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Show Ad Banner

Will show an ad banner (iAd on iOS, or AdMob on Android) on the top or bottom of screen, on top of the GL view (doesn't resize the view) (iOS and Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Show Interstitial Ad

Shows the loaded interstitial ad (loaded with LoadInterstitialAd) (Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

Show Platform Specific Achievements Screen

Displays the built-in achievements GUI (iOS and Android only; this function may be renamed or moved in a future release)

Target is Kismet System Library

Show Platform Specific Leaderboard Screen

Displays the built-in leaderboard GUI (iOS and Android only; this function may be renamed or moved in a future release)

Target is Kismet System Library

Unregister for Remote Notifications

Requests Requests unregistering from receiving remote notifications to the user's device. (Android only)

Target is Kismet System Library

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