Blueprint Communication Project

A sample project created using different methods of Blueprint Communications.

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In this Blueprint Communication Project , we will create a simple shooting gallery style game. Over the course of the project you will learn how to communicate information from the level to a character as well as how to pass character information to a HUD. At the end of the project, you will have something similar to below:

In this short game example, we are spawning a destructible Static Mesh from inside our Character Blueprint when the player presses a button. The location where the rock is spawned and launched from is randomly selected from spawn points we placed in the level, so we must communicate the spawn locations from the level to our Character Blueprint. We are also taking information stored in our Character Blueprint (the amount of pulls or rocks left to launch, number of shots left per pull and the player's score) and passing that information to a HUD to display it onscreen. After going through this tutorial, developers will know the following:

  • Required asset and character setup

  • Spawning the shootable rock

  • Passing information from Level to Character

  • Destroying the Rock

  • Communicating with the HUD On this page, we will do a little bit of prep-work and set up the assets we will need to use later in this guide. We will create a destroyable Static Mesh, place down some spawn locations, and create a basic HUD to display information to the player about the state of the game.

For this guide, we have created a new project based off the Blueprint First Person template with Starter Content enabled. If you are unsure of how to create a project based off a template or how to enable Starter Content, please see the Create a New Project documentation for information on setting up a project.

With your project created and open, press Ctrl+N to create a New Level and choose Default when prompted at the pop-up window. Once you have a fresh level created, follow the sections below to begin setting up each of the required assets.

1. Required Asset Setup

Create a Destructible Static Mesh

First we will create our shootable rock that will be destroyed when we hit it.

  1. In the Content Browser , open the Content/StarterContent/Props folder.

  2. In the Props folder, Right-click on the SM_Rock and choose Create Destructible Mesh .


  3. Open the SM_Rock_DM asset, then click the Fracture Mesh button from the toolbar.


    If you do not see the rock in the preview window, close the window and re-open it.

  4. Save and close the SM_Rock_DM asset.

  5. Right-click on the SM_Rock_DM asset then choose Asset Actions/Create Blueprint Using This... .


    When prompted, give the Blueprint a name such as BP_Rock .

  6. When the Blueprint opens, click the Add Component button, then add a Projectile Movement component.


  7. Click the Projectile Movement component, then in the Details set the Initial Speed , Max Speed , and Velocity for X to 1500.00 .


  8. Select the Destructible component, then in the Details panel under Collision check the Simulation Generates Hit Events option.


  9. Click the Compile and Save buttons, then close the Blueprint.

Place Spawn Points

Next, we will create some spawn points in our level to launch the shootable rock from.

  1. From the Modes menu, search for and add the Target Point to the level.


  2. Select the TargetPoint in the level, and set its Transform as shown below.


    Location for X is 7.0m, 0.0m, 0.0m and Rotation is 0.0, 40.0, 0.0 .

    By entering 7.0m, it may convert the value to 700cm which is the equivalent value. Check out the World Scale section on the VR Best Practies page as it gives a breakdown of how Unreal Units are calculated as well as how to change the way measurements are displayed.

  3. In the level, with the Target Point selected, press Ctrl+W to duplicate it and set its Details as shown below.


    This will move the spawn point to the left of the first spawn point.

  4. Press Ctrl+W to duplicate the Target Point again and set the new Target Point's Details as shown below.


  5. Select the PlayerStart in the level, then press E to enter Rotation mode and rotate it so it faces the Target Points.


    You will now have three spawn points across from the Player Start (controller icon and direction indicated by the Blue Arrow).

Creating a HUD

The final piece of setup requires us to create a basic HUD to communicate information to.

  1. In an empty space in the Content Browser , Right-click and select User Interface/Widget Blueprint .


    A Widget Blueprint is a type of Blueprint used with Unreal Motion Graphics UI used to create HUD elements.

    See UMG UI Designer for more information.

  2. When prompted, call it HUD then open it up.

  3. In the Palette window under Panel , drag a Vertical Box onto the CanvasPanel in the Hierarchy window.


  4. Also under Panel , drag a Horizontal Box onto the Vertical Box in the Hierarchy window.


  5. Under the Common section in the Palette , drag two Text widgets onto the Horizontal Box in the Hierarchy window.


  6. Select the Vertical Box in the Hierarchy window, then in the Details panel click Anchors and select the one shown below.


    An Anchor will lock the UI element in the position specified regardless of screen size (see Anchors for more information).

  7. With the Vertical Box selected, move it over to the right-side of the screen and resize it so the text is displayed.


  8. Click on the left-most text displayed in the box, then in the Details panel under Text enter "Pulls:".


  9. For the other text, enter the "10" for its Text field.


    This text is what we will communicate with later and update based on the state of the game.

  10. In the Hierarchy window, Right-click and Copy the Horizontal Box , the paste it on top of the Vertical Box .

  11. Repeat the previous step so that there are now three Horizontal Boxes under Vertical Box and the text appears as shown below.


  12. Update the other text fields to "Shots" (set to "3") and "Score" (set to "0") and click the Compile button.


  13. Compile and Save then close the HUD Widget Blueprint.

2. Character Setup

Next, we will work on our Character Blueprint by adding the variables that will be passed to the HUD later in this guide. We will also add some conditions to determine how many times the player can shoot at each rock that is launched.

  1. Inside the Content Browser under Content/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints , open the First Person Character Blueprint.


  2. Inside the graph, delete the Stick Input , Movement Input , and Jump sections so that you only contain the sections below.


    For our sample game, we only need to allow the player to turn and shoot so we have removed the other script to clean up our Blueprint.

  3. Right-click in the graph and search for and add the Event Begin Play node.


  4. Drag off the Event Being Play node and search for and add the Create Widget node.


    We are going to call our HUD Widget Blueprint upon begin play of the game and display it.

  5. On the Create Widget node for Class select the HUD , then off the Return Value , use the Add to Viewport node.


    Our HUD will now be displayed and we need to create some variables to pass to it. Let us do that now.

  6. In the MyBlueprint window, click the Add Variable button.


  7. Select the new variable, then in the Details panel, rename it to IsActive and make sure it is the Boolean type.


  8. Create another variable, rename it to SpawnLocation and make the type a Transform .


    This variable will be used to tell the rock where to spawn and will be updated from the level.

  9. Create another variable, rename it to Pulls and make the type a Integer .


    This variable will hold the amount of rocks left the player can spawn by button press.

  10. Create two more Integer variables, one called Shots and the other called Score .


    Your added variables should look similar to above.

  11. Click the Compile button, then in the Details panel for Pulls set its Default Value to 10 .


  12. Set the Default Value for Shots to 3 and Score to 0 .

Firing Weapon Setup

Here we are going to make some minor changes to how many times the player can fire a shot per pull.

  1. Find the InputAction Fire event and drag off it and add the Do N node.


    This node will execute the script following it a set number of times (allowing us to control the number of times the player can shoot).

  2. Set the N to 3 , then while holding Alt drag in the Shots variable from the My Blueprint window and reconnect the nodes.


    Following the Shots node, connect the Set back to the Montage Play node.

  3. While holding Control , drag in the Shots variable again and connect it to a Integer - Integer node (set to 1 ) and connect as shown.


    Here we are setting shots to decrement by 1 each time Fire is pressed.

  4. Right-click in the graph next to Shots and add a Custom Event called ResetShots .


  5. Alt drag in Shots and set it to 3 , then connect it following the Custom Event and into the Reset on the Do N node.


    When this custom event is called, it will set shots back to 3 and reset the Do N node so that it can be executed again.

3. Spawning the Shootable Rock

Next, we will set up the logic for allowing the player to press a button to spawn a shootable rock (providing other conditions are met). In our level, we have defined some spawn points and, in order to get the location of one of those, we will use an Event Dispatcher which will fire off an event in our Level Blueprint (which we will create in the next step) to get one of those locations and send it to our Character Blueprint.

  1. Inside the FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint, Right-click somewhere in an empty space in the graph and add an F Key Event.


  2. Hold B and Left-click in the graph to create a Branch node.

  3. Alt drag in the IsActive variable and check the checkbox then connect as shown below.


  4. Hold Control and drag in the IsActive and Pulls variables.

  5. Connect the IsActive to a NOT Boolean node (Not true) and the Pulls to a > node (set to 0).


    In older versions of the engine, the NOT Boolean node is referred to as the != node

  6. Connect both outputs to an And node and feed it into the Condition of the Branch .


    Here, we set up the logic to determine if the player can spawn a rock by checking if a variable called IsActive is not true and if the player's Pulls count is greater than 0. If both those statements are true, we will proceed down the True side of the Branch node and spawn the rock (well, that part of the script still needs to be set up which we will do below).

  7. Alt drag in the Pulls variable and connect it following the Set IsActive node.

  8. Control drag in the Pulls variable and connect it to a Int - Int node (set to 1) and connect to Set Pulls .


  9. Click Compile , then off the Set Pulls node add the ResetShots Custom Event.


    Your setup should look similar to below.


    Our logic for when the player can spawn a rock is set, now we need to communicate with the level to get a spawn location. We will do this by using an Event Dispatcher that is called when F is pressed. The Level Blueprint will listen for the Event Dispatcher and when it is called, will fire its own event that will get the location of one of our spawn points and pass that back to our Character Blueprint.

  10. Click the + Event Dispatcher button in the My Blueprint window.


  11. Click the new Event Dispatcher and press F2 with it selected to rename it and call it GetSpawnLocation .


  12. In the graph following the Reset Shots function, add the Call GetSpawnLocation node.


    The Event Dispatcher will be added which is denoted by the envelope icon in the upper-right corner of the node.


  13. Off the GetSpawnLocation node, add a Spawn Actor from Class node.


  14. On the Spawn Actor node, set the Class to BP_Rock .

  15. Also on the Spawn Actor node, drag-and-drop the SpawnLocation variable onto the SpawnTransform pin.


    Our Character Blueprint is now set up to spawn a shootable rock and receive a Transform location to spawn the rock at.

4. Passing Information from Level to Character

Next, we will use the Level Blueprint to get the location of one of our spawn points and pass that information to our Character Blueprint when our Character Blueprint's Event Dispatcher is called (so we are going from Character Blueprint to Level Blueprint and back to Character Blueprint, passing information between them).

  1. From the toolbar in the Main Editor view, click the Blueprints button and select Open Level Blueprint .


  2. In the graph, Right-click and add an Event Begin Play node and a Get Player Character node.


  3. Drag off the Return Value of the Get Player Character and add a Cast To FirstPersonCharacter node.


    Here we are using a Cast node to first get the player character, then get the Character Blueprint used by that player (which in this case is called FirstPersonCharacter and is where we set up our other scripts for the playable character). By using the Cast node, we are able to access our player character's Blueprint and the variables, events, and functions within it.

    For more information on Casting , please see the Casting in Blueprints documentation page.

  4. Connect the nodes as shown below, then off the Return Value of the Cast To node, select Promote to variable .


    We are going to create a variable to hold a reference to the FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint the player is using so that we do not have to use a Cast to get to it each time. By doing this upon Event Begin Play, it will save us time later.

  5. Select the promoted variable, then in the Details panel, rename it to MyCharacter .


  6. Off the Return Value of the MyCharacter node, add the Assign Get Spawn Location node.


    This is the Event Dispatcher we created. When you select this, two additional nodes will be added.

    If you do not see this node in the list, make sure that you clicked Compile inside the FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint and try again.

  7. Make sure you connect the newly added nodes from the Bind Event .


    Now, when GetSpawnLocation is called in our Character Blueprint, this new Custom Event will also get called.

  8. Hold Control and drag in the MyCharacter variable from the MyBlueprint window, then off it add the Set Spawn Location node.


  9. Return to the Main Editor window and in the World Outliner , search for and select each of the Target Points by holding Ctrl and clicking each one.


  10. Return to the Level Blueprint and Right-click in the graph and select the Create References to 3 selected Actors .


  11. Right-click in the graph and add a Make Array node, then connect each of the Target Points to it.


    You can add more pins by clicking the Add Pin button. This Array will store a collection of our Target Points which we can access.

  12. Off the Array pin, add a Get node.

  13. Off the Get , add a Random Integer in Range node with Min set to "0" and Max set to "2".


    Here we are getting a random Target Point for use as our Spawn Point. If you had more spawn locations, you could add them to the array and increase the Max value of the Random Integer in Range node to include them.

  14. Off the out of the Get node, add a Get Actor Transform node and connect it to the Set Spawn Location node.

    Your full script should look similar to above, click for a full view.

5. Destroying the Rock

In this step, we will allow our rock to be destroyed when it is hit by the projectile the player fires. To do this, we will use another Bind Event , but we are not going to bind it to an Event Dispatcher. Instead we will use a collision event called OnHit which fires off when the collision of our rock is hit by something which is perfect for our situation.

Let's blow stuff up!

  1. Back inside the FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint, find the Spawn Actor node where we spawn our rock.

  2. Drag off the Return Value of the Spawn Actor node and choose Assign On Actor Hit .


  3. Connect the Spawn Actor and Bind Event .

  4. Off the Return Value of the Spawn Actor , choose Apply Radius Damage (Destructible) .


    We could use Apply Damage , but would have additional parameters to enter. For simplicity we are going to use Radius Damage.

  5. On the Apply Radius Damage node, enter in 50000 for each of the fields shown below and connect a Get Actor Location node.


    This will ensure we do enough damage to actually cause the rock to explode into pieces.

  6. Following the Apply Radius Damage node, add a Set Score node.

  7. Hold Control and drag in the Score variable and connect it to a Int + Int node (set to 1) and connect the nodes.


    This will get the current score and add 1 to it each time a rock is hit.

  8. Connect the Bind Event and Set Score nodes to a Delay node set to 3 seconds.


    After 3 seconds once the rock has been spawned (whether it was hit or not), we are going to destroy it.

  9. Following the Delay add a Destroy Actor node.


    Drag off the Return Value of the Spawn Actor node and feed it into the Target of the Destroy Actor node.

  10. Following the Destroy Actor node, add the Set IsActive variable node and leave it unchecked.


    We are now saying that the spawned rock is no longer active so the player can spawn another one (if they have enough pulls left).

Our core gameplay is set up, if we were to play in the editor now you would see that you can show spawn, shoot and destroy a rock which is spawned from a random spawn point in the level.

6. Communicating with the HUD

The last step is to update the values displayed on our HUD Widget Blueprint by communicating with our Character Blueprint to get values stored in it for Pulls, Shots, and Score. To do this, we will use a Cast node to access the player's Character Blueprint then Bind properties in our HUD to values in our Character Blueprint so they automatically get updated when those values are updated in the Character Blueprint.

Our game is almost complete, let's finish it off by updating the HUD.

  1. Open the HUD Widget Blueprint you created.

  2. Click the Graph tab inside your HUD Widget Blueprint.


  3. Right-click in the graph and add the Event Construct node.


    This node is similar to an Event Begin Play and is called when the Widget Blueprint is constructed.

  4. Add a Get Player Character node and CastTo FirstPersonCharacter .


  5. Off the As First Person Character pin, select Promote to variable and rename the new node to MyCharacter .


    You can rename the variable from the My Blueprint window by selecting the variable and pressing F2 .

  6. On the Designer tab, click the value for Pulls then next to Text in the Details panel, click the Bind option and choose Create Binding .


    This will open a new graph for the binding.

  7. Hold Control and drag in the MyCharacter variable, then off it Get Pulls and connect it to the Return Value of the Return Node .


    The To Text (Int) conversion node will automatically be created. We are now set to properly display our Pulls value.

  8. On the Designer tab, click the value for Shots and in the Details panel, click the Bind option and create the binding below.


    This will update and display the proper amount of shots left per pull.

  9. On the Designer tab, click the value for Score and in the Details panel, click the Bind option and create the binding below.


    And finally, this will get and display the proper score for the player when hitting a rock.

  10. Click Compile and Save , then close the Blueprint.

  11. From the Main Editor view, click the Play button to play in the editor.

Your simple shooting gallery game is now complete! To spawn a rock, press F as we bound it do that event in a previous section. Over the course of this guide, we have learned how to communicate between three different types of Blueprints using an Event Dispatcher , Cast nodes, and Binding . We have learned how to pass information from the level to a Character Blueprint as well as how to communicate variables from the character to a HUD.

7. On Your Own!

Using what you have learned over the course of this project, try to do the following:

  • In the FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint, award a higher score for hitting the rock on the 1st versus 2nd or 3rd shot.

  • Also in the FirstPersonCharacter Blueprint, set it so the player cannot shoot unless a rock has been spawned.

  • In the level, add two more spawn points (perhaps at the corners, or on the left/right side of the player).

  • In the HUD, add a new category to keep track of the number of "first shot" hits by a player.

For more information on the topics covered in this guide, and across the entire editor, see the Unreal Editor Manual .

As for coverage related to the topics in this guide:

  • For more information on Blueprints in general, see: Blueprint Visual Scripting

  • For more information on using Blueprint Communication and when to use it, see: Blueprint Communication Usage

  • For more information on Event Dispatchers, see: Event Dispatchers

  • For more information on Casting, see: Casting

  • For more information on creating HUD elements with Unreal Motion Graphics (UMG), see: Unreal Motion Graphics

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