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Unlike FName and FText , FString can be searched, modified, and compared against other strings. However, these manipulations can make FStrings more expensive than the immutable string classes. This is because FString objects store their own character arrays, while FName and FText objects store an index to a shared character array, and can establish equality based purely on this index value.

Creating FStrings

FString TestHUDString = FString(TEXT("This is my test FString."));


String Variables

From FString






TestHUDName = FName(*TestHUDString);

FString -> FName is dangerous as the conversion is lossy as FName's are case insensitive.



TestHUDText = FText::FromString(TestHUDString);

FString -> FText is valid in some cases, but be aware that the FString's content will not benefit from the FText's "auto localization".

To FString






TestHUDString = TestHUDName.ToString();



TestHUDString = TestHUDText.ToString();

FText -> FString is dangerous as it is a potentially lossy conversion for some languages.

Numeric and Other Variables

TO FString

Variable Type

Conversion from String

String Format






InBool ? TEXT("true") : TEXT("false");

either 'true' or 'false'



'X= Y= Z='



'X= Y='



'P= Y= R='





(InObj != NULL) ? InObj->GetName() : FString(TEXT("None"));

UObject's FName

For other numeric conversions, you can use the FString::Printf() function with the appropriate arguments.

From FString

Conversions also exist from FString to int and float numeric variables, as well as to boolean variables.

Variable Type

Conversion from String









The overloaded == operator can be used to compare two FStrings, or to compare an FString to an array of TCHAR*s. There is also the FString::Equals() method, which takes the FString to test against and the ESearchCase enum for whether or not the comparison should ignore case as arguments. If you want the comparison to ignore case, use ESearchCase::IgnoreCase , and if not, use ESearchCase::CaseSensitive .

TestHUDString.Equals(TEXT("Test"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive);


When searching within FStrings, there are two search types. The first, FString::Contains() , returns true if the substring is found, and false otherwise. FString::Contains() can search for either an FString or a TCHAR*s substring. The ESearchCase enum can be used to specify whether or not the search should ignore case. Also, the ESearchDir enum can be used to specify the direction of the search. The default is to ignore case, and to begin searching at the start.

TestHUDString.Contains(TEXT("Test"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd);

The second, FString::Find() , returns the index of the first found instance of the substring. FString::Find() can search for either an FString or a TCHAR* s substring. Just like with FString::Contains() , you can specify the case sensitivity and the search direction, and the defaults are to ignore case and begin at the start of the string. You can also optionally set an index within the string where the search should begin. If FString::Find() does not find the substring, it returns -1.

TestHUDString.Find(TEXT("test"), ESearchCase::CaseSensitive, ESearchDir::FromEnd, 10);

Building FStrings

There are two methods to construct strings out of substrings or other variable types. The first, concatenation, only takes FStrings as arguments. You will need to convert other types of variables to FStrings before concatenating them. The second, Printf , can take numeric inputs like int and float, and also allows you to set the formatting of the inputs as they are added to the string.


There are two operators for concatenating strings:





Appends the supplied string to the FString object.

StringResult += AddedString;


Creates a new FString object and appends the supplied string.


FStrings constructed with FString::Printf can be stored into FStrings, as well as displayed to the screen with UE_LOG debug messaging . The format argument has the same specifiers as the C++ printf function, as seen in the below example.

FString AShooterHUD::GetTimeString(float TimeSeconds)
// only minutes and seconds are relevant
const int32 TotalSeconds = FMath::Max(0, FMath::TruncToInt(TimeSeconds) % 3600);
const int32 NumMinutes = TotalSeconds / 60;
const int32 NumSeconds = TotalSeconds % 60;

const FString TimeDesc = FString::Printf(TEXT("%02d:%02d"), NumMinutes, NumSeconds);
return TimeDesc;

When using %s parameters to include FStrings, the * operator must be used to return the TCHAR* required for the %s parameter.

Manipulating FStrings

There are many functions for manipulating strings. Some will be covered here, but for the full list of available FString functions, see UnrealString.h or the API documentation on FString. There are functions for copying subsections of strings: Left, Right, and Mid. You can split a string into two strings at the location of a found substring. This is done using the Split method. Another method for splitting strings is the ParseIntoArray , which splits a string into an array of strings separated by a specified delimiter. Case conversion is done by using ToUpper and ToLower , converting the string to upper and lower case respectively.

FStrings in HUDs


To display an FString in a HUD using Canvas , call the FCanvas::DrawText() function:

Canvas->DrawText(BigFont, TestHUDString, 110.0f,110.0f);

You must call the DrawText() function within your HUD class's DrawHUD() function, or call it in a function chain that begins with DrawHUD().

Debug Messaging

FStrings can be printed to the Viewport as well as to the Output Log for debugging purposes.

Print to Viewport


To print debug messages to the Viewport , use UEngine::AddOnScreenDebugMessage() . This function takes the following four parameters (in order):

Parameter Name

Parameter Type




A unique key to prevent the same message from being added multiple times. Use -1 as the key to have your debug message be transient.



How long to display the message, in seconds.



The color to display the text in.



The message to display (FString).


GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Blue, TestHUDString);

Print to Output Log


UE_LOG uses printf markup for parameterization.

UE_LOG(LogClass, Log, TEXT("This is a testing statement. %s"), *TestHUDString);
  • LogClass is the log category. You can use an existing category (set with the DECLARE_LOG_CATEGORY_EXTERN macro in OutputDevices.h) or define your own using DEFINE_LOG_CATEGORY_STATIC.

  • Log is the verbosity level to use. Verbosity is defined in the ELogVerbosity enum. Valid values are Fatal, Error, Warning, Display, Log, Verbose, or VeryVerbose.

  • The next argument is the text you wish to output, including the markup for the parameters.

This example uses a %s parameter, so the * operator is used to return the TCHAR* required for a %s parameter.

Messages printed with UE_LOG can be found in the Output Log ( Window > Output Log in Unreal Editor).

Encoding Conversion Macros

The FString class is built upon a TArray of TCHARs. There are multiple macros available to convert an application string (TCHAR*) to either ANSI or UNICODE character sets and vice versa. The macro definitions are found in Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers\StringConv.h.

If the string is relatively small, the allocation is made on the stack as part of the converter class; otherwise the heap is used to allocate a temporary buffer. The size before using the heap is a template parameter, so you can tune this to your application. This is safe within loops because the scoping of the class pops off the stack allocation.

The common conversion macros are:

  • TCHAR_TO_ANSI - Converts an engine string (TCHAR*) to an ANSI one.

  • ANSI_TO_TCHAR - Converts an ANSI string to an engine string (TCHAR*).

The objects these macros declare have very short lifetimes. They are meant to be used as parameters to functions. You cannot assign a variable to the contents of the converted string as the object will go out of scope and the string will be released.

The parameter you pass in must be a proper string, as the parameter is typecast to a pointer. If you pass in a TCHAR instead of a TCHAR*, it will compile and then crash at runtime.

Usage: SomeApi(TCHAR_TO_ANSI(SomeUnicodeString));

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