
TSets are a fast container class to store (usually) unique elements in a context where the order is irrelevant.

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TSet is similar to TMap and TMultiMap , but with an important difference: Rather than associating data values with independent keys, a TSet uses the data value itself as the key, through an overridable function that evaluates the element. TSet is very fast (constant time) for adding, finding, and removing elements. By default, TSet does not support duplicate keys, but this behavior can be activated with a template parameter.


TSet is a fast container class to store unique elements in a context where order is irrelevant. For most use cases, just one parameter — the element type — is needed. However, TSet can be set up with different template parameters to change its behavior and make it more versatile. You can specify a derived struct based on DefaultKeyFuncs to provide hashing functionality, as well as permit multiple keys with the same value to exist in the set. Finally, like the other container classes, you can provide a custom memory allocator for its data storage.

Like TArray , TSet is a homogeneous container, meaning that all of its elements are strictly the same type. TSet is also a value type, and supports the usual copy, assignment, and destructor operations, as well as strong ownership of its elements, which are destroyed when the TSet is. The key type must also be a value type.

TSet uses hashes, which means that the KeyFuncs template parameter, if provided, tells the set how to determine the key from an element, how to compare two keys for equality, how to hash the key, and whether or not to permit duplicate keys. These have defaults that will return a reference to the key, use operator== for equality, and the non-member GetTypeHash function for hashing. By default, the set will not permit duplicate keys. If your key type supports these functions, it is usable as a set key without the need to provide a custom KeyFuncs . To write a custom KeyFuncs , extend the DefaultKeyFuncs struct.

Finally, TSet can take an optional allocator to control memory allocation behavior. Standard Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) allocators (such as FHeapAllocator and TInlineAllocator ) cannot be used as allocators for TSet . Instead, TSet uses set allocators, which define how many hash buckets the set should use, and which standard UE4 allocators to use for element storage. See TSetAllocator for more information.

Unlike TArray , the relative order of TSet elements in memory is not reliable or stable, and iterating over the elements is likely to return them in a different order from the order in which they were added. Elements are also unlikely to be laid out contiguously in memory. The backing data structure of a set is a sparse array, which is an array that efficiently supports gaps between its elements. As elements are removed from the set, gaps in the sparse array will appear. Adding new elements into the array can then fill these gaps. However, even though TSet doesn't shuffle elements to fill gaps, pointers to set elements may still be invalidated, as the entire storage can be reallocated when it is full and new elements are added.

Creating and Filling a Set

You can create a TSet like this:

TSet<FString> FruitSet;

This creates an empty TSet that will hold FString data. The TSet will compare elements directly with operator== , hash them using GetTypeHash , and use the standard heap allocator. No memory has been allocated at this point.

The standard way to populate a set is to use the Add function and provide a key (element):

// FruitSet == [ "Banana", "Grapefruit", "Pineapple" ]

While the elements are listed here in the order of insertion, there is no guarantee as to their actual order in memory. For a new set, they are likely to be in order of insertion, but as more insertions and removals happen, it becomes increasingly unlikely that new elements will appear at the end.

Since this set uses the default allocator, keys are guaranteed to be unique. The following is the result of attempting to add a duplicate key:

// FruitSet == [ "Banana", "Grapefruit", "Pineapple", "Pear" ]
// Note: Only one banana entry.

The set now contains four elements. "Pear" brought the count up to four from three, but the new "Banana" didn't change the number of elements in the set because it replaced the old "Banana" entry.

Like TArray , we can also use Emplace instead of Add to avoid the creation of temporaries when inserting into the set:

// FruitSet == [ "Banana", "Grapefruit", "Pineapple", "Pear", "Orange" ]

Here, the argument is passed directly to the constructor of the key type. This avoids the creation of a temporary FString for the value. Unlike TArray , it's only possible to emplace elements into a set with single-argument constructors.

It's also possible to insert all the elements from another set by using the Append function to merge them:

TSet<FString> FruitSet2;
// FruitSet == [ "Banana", "Grapefruit", "Pineapple", "Pear", "Orange", "Kiwi", "Melon", "Mango" ]

In the example above, the resulting set is equivalent to using Add or Emplace to add the elements individually. Duplicate keys from the source set will replace their counterparts in the target.


If you mark the TSet with the UPROPERTY macro and one of the "editable" keywords ( EditAnywhere , EditDefaultsOnly , or EditInstanceOnly ), you can add and edit elements in Unreal Editor .

UPROPERTY(Category = SetExample, EditAnywhere)
TSet<FString> FruitSet;


Iteration over TSets is similar to TArrays . You can use C++'s ranged-for feature:

for (auto& Elem : FruitSet)
            TEXT(" \"%s\"\n"),
// Output:
//  "Banana"
//  "Grapefruit"
//  "Pineapple"
//  "Pear"
//  "Orange"
//  "Kiwi"
//  "Melon"
//  "Mango"

You can also create iterators with the CreateIterator and CreateConstIterators functions. CreateIterator will return an iterator with read-write access, while CreateConstIterator returns a read-only iterator. In either case, you can use the Key and Value functions of these iterators to examine the elements. Printing the contents of our example "fruit" set using iterators would look like this:

for (auto It = FruitSet.CreateConstIterator(); It; ++It)


To find out how many elements are currently in the set, call the Num function.

int32 Count = FruitSet.Num();
// Count == 8

In order to determine whether or not a set contains a specific element, call the Contains function, as follows:

bool bHasBanana = FruitSet.Contains(TEXT("Banana"));
bool bHasLemon = FruitSet.Contains(TEXT("Lemon"));
// bHasBanana == true
// bHasLemon == false

You can use the FSetElementId struct to find the index of a key within the set. You can then use that index with operator[] to retrieve the element. Calling operator[] on a non-const set will return a non-const reference, and calling it on a const set will return a const reference.

FSetElementId BananaIndex = FruitSet.Index(TEXT("Banana"));
// BananaIndex is a value between 0 and (FruitSet.Num() - 1)
        TEXT(" \"%s\"\n"),
// Prints "Banana"

FSetElementId LemonIndex = FruitSet.Index(TEXT("Lemon"));
// LemonIndex is INDEX_NONE (-1)
        TEXT(" \"%s\"\n"),
); // Assert!

If you are unsure whether or not your set contains a key, you could check with the Contains function, and then use operator[] . However, this is suboptimal, since a successful retrieval involves two lookups on the same key. The Find function combines these behaviors with a single lookup. Find returns a pointer to the value of the element if the set contains the key, or a null pointer if it does not. Calling Find on a const set will cause the pointer it returns to be const as well.

FString* PtrBanana = FruitSet.Find(TEXT("Banana"));
FString* PtrLemon = FruitSet.Find(TEXT("Lemon"));
// *PtrBanana == "Banana"
//  PtrLemon == nullptr

The Array function returns a TArray populated with a copy of all the elements in the TSet . The array that you pass in will be emptied at the beginning of the operation, so the resulting number of elements will always equal the number of elements in the set:

TArray<FString> FruitArray = FruitSet.Array();
// FruitArray == [ "Banana","Grapefruit","Pineapple","Pear","Orange","Kiwi","Melon","Mango" ] (order may vary)


Elements can be removed by index with the Remove function, though this is recommended only for use while iterating through the elements. The Remove function returns the number of elements removed, and will be 0 if the key provided was not contained in the set. If a TSet supports duplicate keys, Remove will remove all matching elements.

// FruitSet == [ "Grapefruit","Pineapple","Pear","Orange","Kiwi","Melon","Mango" ]

Removing elements can leave holes in the data structure, which you can see when visualizing the set in Visual Studio's watch window, but they have been omitted here for clarity.

int32 RemovedAmountPineapple = FruitSet.Remove(TEXT("Pineapple"));
// RemovedAmountPineapple == 1
// FruitSet == [ "Grapefruit","Pear","Orange","Kiwi","Melon","Mango" ]
FString RemovedAmountLemon = FruitSet.Remove(TEXT("Lemon"));
// RemovedAmountLemon == 0

Finally, you can remove all elements from the set with the Empty or Reset functions.

TSet<FString> FruitSetCopy = FruitSet;
// FruitSetCopy == [ "Grapefruit","Pear","Orange","Kiwi","Melon","Mango" ]

// FruitSetCopy == []

Empty and Reset are similar, but Empty can take a parameter to indicate how much slack to leave in the set, while Reset


A TSet can be sorted. After sorting, iteration over the set will present the elements in sorted order, but this behavior is only guaranteed until the next time you modify the set. Sorting is unstable, so equivalent elements in a set that supports duplicate keys may appear in any order.

The Sort function takes a binary predicate which specifies the sort order, as follows:

FruitSet.Sort([](const FString& A, const FString& B) {
    return A > B; // sort by reverse-alphabetical order
// FruitSet == [ "Pear", "Orange", "Melon", "Mango", "Kiwi", "Grapefruit" ] (order is temporarily guaranteed)

FruitSet.Sort([](const FString& A, const FString& B) {
    return A.Len() < B.Len(); // sort strings by length, shortest to longest
// FruitSet == [ "Pear", "Kiwi", "Melon", "Mango", "Orange", "Grapefruit" ] (order is temporarily guaranteed)


Like TArray , TSet is a regular value type and as such can be copied with the standard copy constructor or assignment operator. Sets strictly own their elements, so copying a set is deep; the new set will have its own copy of the elements.

TSet<int32, FString> NewSet = FruitSet;
// FruitSet == [ "Pear", "Kiwi", "Melon", "Mango", "Orange", "Grapefruit" ]
// NewSet == [ "Kiwi", "Melon", "Mango", "Orange", "Grapefruit", "Apple" ]


Slack is allocated memory that doesn't contain an element. You can allocate memory without adding elements by calling Reserve , and you can remove elements without deallocating the memory they were using by calling Reset or by calling Empty with a non-zero slack parameter. Slack optimizes the process of adding new elements to the set by using pre-allocated memory instead of having to allocate new memory. It can also help with element removal, since the system does not need to deallocate memory. This is especially efficient when you are emptying a set that you expect to repopulate immediately with the same number of elements or fewer.

TSet does not provide a way of checking how many elements are preallocated, like the Max function in TArray does.

The following code removes all elements from the set without deallocating any memory, resulting in the creation of slack:

// FruitSet == [ <invalid>, <invalid>, <invalid>, <invalid>, <invalid>, <invalid> ]

To create slack directly, such as to preallocate memory before adding elements, use the Reserve function.

for (int32 i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    FruitSet.Add(FString::Printf(TEXT("Fruit%d"), i));
// FruitSet == [ "Fruit9", "Fruit8", "Fruit7" ... "Fruit2", "Fruit1", "Fruit0" ]

Preallocating the slack has caused the new elements to be added in reverse order. Unlike arrays, sets do not attempt to maintain element order, and code dealing with sets should not expect element order to be stable or predictable.

To remove all slack from a TSet , use the Collapse and Shrink functions. Shrink removes all slack from the end of the container, but this will leave any empty elements in the middle or at the start.

// Remove every other element from the set.
for (int32 i = 0; i < 10; i += 2)
// FruitSet == ["Fruit8", <invalid>, "Fruit6", <invalid>, "Fruit4", <invalid>, "Fruit2", <invalid>, "Fruit0", <invalid> ]

// FruitSet == ["Fruit8", <invalid>, "Fruit6", <invalid>, "Fruit4", <invalid>, "Fruit2", <invalid>, "Fruit0" ]

Shrink only removed one invalid element in the code above because there was only one empty element at the end. To remove all slack, the Compact or CompactStable function should be called first, so that the empty spaces will be grouped together in preparation for Shrink . As its name implies, CompactStable maintains element order while consolidating empty elements.

// FruitSet == ["Fruit8", "Fruit6", "Fruit4", "Fruit2", "Fruit0", <invalid>, <invalid>, <invalid>, <invalid> ]
// FruitSet == ["Fruit8", "Fruit6", "Fruit4", "Fruit2", "Fruit0" ]


As long as a type has an operator== and a non-member GetTypeHash overload, TSet can use it, since the type is both the element and the key. However, it may be useful to use types as keys where it is undesirable to overload those functions. In these cases, you can provide your own custom DefaultKeyFuncs . To create KeyFuncs for your key type, you must define two typedefs and three static functions, as follows:

  • KeyInitType — Type used to pass keys around. Usually drawn from ElementType template parameter.

  • ElementInitType — Type used to pass elements around. Also usually drawn from ElementType template parameter, and therefore identical to KeyInitType.

  • KeyInitType GetSetKey(ElementInitType Element) — Returns the key of an element. For sets, this is usually just the element itself.

  • bool Matches(KeyInitType A, KeyInitType B) — Returns true if A and B are equivalent, false otherwise.

  • uint32 GetKeyHash(KeyInitType Key) — Returns the hash value of Key .

KeyInitType and ElementInitType are typedefs to the normal passing convention of the key/element type. Usually, these will be a value for trivial types and a const reference for non-trivial types. Remember that the element type of a set is also the key type, which is why DefaultKeyFuncs uses only one template parameter, ElementType , to define both.

TSet assumes that two items that compare equal using Matches (in DefaultKeyFuncs ) will also return the same value from GetKeyHash (in KeyFuncs ).

operator== and GetKeyHash when using the default implementation of DefaultKeyFuncs


The CountBytes and GetAllocatedSize functions estimate how much memory the internal array is currently utilizing. CountBytes takes an FArchive parameter, while GetAllocatedSize does not. These functions are typically used for stats reporting.

The Dump function takes an FOutputDevice and writes out some implementation information about the contents of the set. There is also a DumpHashElements function that lists all elements from all hash entries. These functions are usually used for debugging.

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