
class unreal.AnimNode_SteamVRSetWristTransform(reference_pose=[], hand_skeleton=HandSkeleton.VR_STEAM_VR_HAND_SKELETON, target_pose=[])

Bases: unreal.AnimNode_Base

Custom animation node that sets the wrist transform of a target pose from a reference pose

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: SteamVR

  • Module: SteamVRInputDevice

  • File: AnimNode_SteamVRSetWristTransform.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • hand_skeleton (HandSkeleton): [Read-Write] What kind of skeleton is used in the reference pose

  • reference_pose (PoseLink): [Read-Write] The pose from where we will get the root and/or wrist transform from

  • target_pose (PoseLink): [Read-Write] The pose to apply the wrist transform to

property hand_skeleton

[Read-Write] What kind of skeleton is used in the reference pose



property reference_pose

[Read-Write] The pose from where we will get the root and/or wrist transform from



property target_pose

[Read-Write] The pose to apply the wrist transform to

