
class unreal.AppleARKitSettings(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.Object

Apple ARKit Settings

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: AppleARKit

  • Module: AppleARKit

  • File: AppleARKitSettings.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • adjust_thread_priorities_during_ar_session (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to adjust thread priorities during an AR session or not

  • ar_kit_timecode_provider (str): [Read-Write] Used to specify the timecode provider to use when identifying when an update occurred. Useful when using external timecode generators to sync multiple devices/machines

  • default_face_tracking_direction (ARFaceTrackingDirection): [Read-Write] The default tracking to use when tracking face blend shapes (face relative or mirrored). Defaults to face relative

  • default_face_tracking_live_link_subject_name (Name): [Read-Write] The default name to use when publishing face tracking name If multiple faces are tracked, the subject name for the faces will be: #1: DefaultFaceTrackingLiveLinkSubjectName #2: DefaultFaceTrackingLiveLinkSubjectName-1 #3: DefaultFaceTrackingLiveLinkSubjectName-2, etc

  • default_pose_tracking_live_link_subject_name (Name): [Read-Write] The default name to use when publishing pose tracking name

  • face_tracking_file_writer_type (ARFaceTrackingFileWriterType): [Read-Write] The type of face AR publisher that writes to disk to create

  • face_tracking_log_data (bool): [Read-Write] Whether file writing is enabled at all or not

  • face_tracking_log_dir (str): [Read-Write] Face Tracking Log Dir

  • face_tracking_write_each_frame (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to publish each frame or when the “FaceAR WriteCurveFile

  • game_thread_priority_override (int32): [Read-Write] The game thread priority to change to when an AR session is running, default is 47

  • live_link_publishing_port (int32): [Read-Write] The port to use when listening/sending LiveLink face blend shapes via the network

  • livelink_tracking_types (Array(LivelinkTrackingType)): [Read-Write] Livelink tracking type. To publish face blend shapes, or body pose data to LiveLink, or none

  • render_thread_priority_override (int32): [Read-Write] The render thread priority to change to when an AR session is running, default is 45

  • require_ar_kit_support (bool): [Read-Write] When True the project can only be installed on devices that support ARKit.

  • should_write_camera_image_per_frame (bool): [Read-Write] Whether to publish the camera image each frame

  • written_camera_image_quality (int32): [Read-Write] The quality setting to generate the jpeg images at. Defaults to 85, which is “high quality”. Lower values reduce data footprint

  • written_camera_image_rotation (TextureRotationDirection): [Read-Write] Defaults to none. Use Right when in portrait mode

  • written_camera_image_scale (float): [Read-Write] The scale to write the images at. Used to reduce data footprint

property adjust_thread_priorities_during_ar_session

[Read-Only] Whether to adjust thread priorities during an AR session or not



property ar_kit_timecode_provider

[Read-Only] Used to specify the timecode provider to use when identifying when an update occurred. Useful when using external timecode generators to sync multiple devices/machines



property default_face_tracking_direction

[Read-Only] The default tracking to use when tracking face blend shapes (face relative or mirrored). Defaults to face relative



[Read-Only] The default name to use when publishing face tracking name If multiple faces are tracked, the subject name for the faces will be: #1: DefaultFaceTrackingLiveLinkSubjectName #2: DefaultFaceTrackingLiveLinkSubjectName-1 #3: DefaultFaceTrackingLiveLinkSubjectName-2, etc



[Read-Only] The default name to use when publishing pose tracking name



property face_tracking_file_writer_type

[Read-Only] The type of face AR publisher that writes to disk to create



property face_tracking_log_data

[Read-Only] Whether file writing is enabled at all or not



property face_tracking_log_dir

[Read-Only] Face Tracking Log Dir



property face_tracking_write_each_frame

[Read-Only] Whether to publish each frame or when the “FaceAR WriteCurveFile



property game_thread_priority_override

[Read-Only] The game thread priority to change to when an AR session is running, default is 47



[Read-Only] The port to use when listening/sending LiveLink face blend shapes via the network



[Read-Only] Livelink tracking type. To publish face blend shapes, or body pose data to LiveLink, or none



property render_thread_priority_override

[Read-Only] The render thread priority to change to when an AR session is running, default is 45



property require_ar_kit_support

[Read-Only] When True the project can only be installed on devices that support ARKit.



property should_write_camera_image_per_frame

[Read-Only] Whether to publish the camera image each frame



property written_camera_image_quality

[Read-Only] The quality setting to generate the jpeg images at. Defaults to 85, which is “high quality”. Lower values reduce data footprint



property written_camera_image_rotation

[Read-Only] Defaults to none. Use Right when in portrait mode



property written_camera_image_scale

[Read-Only] The scale to write the images at. Used to reduce data footprint

