
class unreal.DestructibleMesh(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.SkeletalMesh

Holds an APEX destructible asset as well as an associated USkeletalMesh.

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ApexDestruction

  • Module: ApexDestruction

  • File: DestructibleMesh.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • asset_import_data (AssetImportData): [Read-Write] Importing data and options used for this mesh

  • asset_user_data (Array(AssetUserData)): [Read-Write] Array of user data stored with the asset

  • default_animating_rig (Object): [Read-Write] The Default Control Rig To Animate with when used in Sequnecer.

  • default_destructible_parameters (DestructibleParameters): [Read-Write] Parameters controlling the destruction behavior.

  • disable_below_min_lod_stripping (PerPlatformBool): [Read-Write] when true all lods below minlod will still be cooked

  • enable_per_poly_collision (bool): [Read-Write] Uses skinned data for collision data. Per poly collision cannot be used for simulation, in most cases you are better off using the physics asset

  • fracture_effects (Array(FractureEffect)): [Read-Write] Fracture effects for each fracture level, unless overridden in the component.

  • global_force_mip_levels_to_be_resident (bool): [Read-Write] Global and serialized version of ForceMiplevelsToBeResident.

  • lod_info (Array(SkeletalMeshLODInfo)): [Read-Write] Struct containing information for each LOD level, such as materials to use, and when use the LOD.

  • lod_settings (SkeletalMeshLODSettings): [Read-Write] LODSettings

  • materials (Array(SkeletalMaterial)): [Read-Write] List of materials applied to this mesh.

  • max_num_optional_lo_ds (PerPlatformInt): [Read-Write] Maximum number of LODs below min LOD level that can be saved to optional pak (currently, need to be either 0 or > num of LODs below MinLod)

  • max_num_streamed_lo_ds (PerPlatformInt): [Read-Write] Maximum number of LODs that can be streamed

  • mesh_clothing_assets (Array(ClothingAssetBase)): [Read-Write] Clothing assets imported to this mesh. May or may not be in use currently on the mesh. Ordering not guaranteed, use the provided getters to access elements in this array whenever possible

  • min_lod (PerPlatformInt): [Read-Write] Minimum LOD to render. Can be overridden per component as well as set here for all mesh instances here

  • morph_targets (Array(MorphTarget)): [Read-Write] Morph Targets

  • negative_bounds_extension (Vector): [Read-Write] Bound extension values in addition to imported bound in the negative direction of XYZ,

    positive value increases bound size and negative value decreases bound size. The final bound would be from [Imported Bound - Negative Bound] to [Imported Bound + Positive Bound].

  • never_stream (bool): [Read-Write] Never Stream

  • node_mapping_data (Array(NodeMappingContainer)): [Read-Write] Mapping data that is saved

  • num_cinematic_mip_levels (int32): [Read-Write] Number of mip-levels to use for cinematic quality.

  • override_lod_streaming_settings (bool): [Read-Write] Whether this skeletal mesh overrides default LOD streaming settings.

  • physics_asset (PhysicsAsset): [Read-Write] Physics and collision information used for this USkeletalMesh, set up in Physics Asset Editor. This is used for per-bone hit detection, accurate bounding box calculation and ragdoll physics for example.

  • positive_bounds_extension (Vector): [Read-Write] Bound extension values in addition to imported bound in the positive direction of XYZ,

    positive value increases bound size and negative value decreases bound size. The final bound would be from [Imported Bound - Negative Bound] to [Imported Bound + Positive Bound].

  • post_process_anim_blueprint (type(Class)): [Read-Write] Animation Blueprint class to run as a post process for this mesh. This blueprint will be ran before physics, but after the main anim instance for any skeletal mesh component using this mesh.

  • sampling_info (SkeletalMeshSamplingInfo): [Read-Write] Defines if and how to generate a set of precomputed data allowing targeted and fast sampling of this mesh on the CPU.

  • shadow_physics_asset (PhysicsAsset): [Read-Write] Physics asset whose shapes will be used for shadowing when components have bCastCharacterCapsuleDirectShadow or bCastCharacterCapsuleIndirectShadow enabled. Only spheres and sphyl shapes in the physics asset can be supported. The more shapes used, the higher the cost of the capsule shadows will be.

  • skel_mirror_axis (AxisType): [Read-Write] Skel Mirror Axis

  • skel_mirror_flip_axis (AxisType): [Read-Write] Skel Mirror Flip Axis

  • skel_mirror_table (Array(BoneMirrorInfo)): [Read-Write] List of bones that should be mirrored.

  • skeleton (Skeleton): [Read-Only] Skeleton of this skeletal mesh *

  • skin_weight_profiles (Array(SkinWeightProfileInfo)): [Read-Write] Set of skin weight profiles associated with this mesh

  • support_lod_streaming (PerPlatformBool): [Read-Write] Whether we can stream the LODs of this mesh

  • thumbnail_info (ThumbnailInfo): [Read-Only] Information for thumbnail rendering