
class unreal.MaterialExpressionTextureCoordinate(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.MaterialExpression

Material Expression Texture Coordinate

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: MaterialExpressionTextureCoordinate.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • coordinate_index (int32): [Read-Write] Texture coordinate index

  • desc (str): [Read-Write] A description that level designers can add (shows in the material editor UI).

  • u_tiling (float): [Read-Write] Controls how much the texture tiles horizontally, by scaling the U component of the vertex UVs by the specified amount.

  • un_mirror_u (bool): [Read-Write] Would like to unmirror U or V - if the texture is mirrored and if you would like to undo mirroring for this texture sample, use this to unmirror

  • un_mirror_v (bool): [Read-Write] Un Mirror V

  • v_tiling (float): [Read-Write] Controls how much the texture tiles vertically, by scaling the V component of the vertex UVs by the specified amount.

property coordinate_index

[Read-Write] Texture coordinate index



property u_tiling

[Read-Write] Controls how much the texture tiles horizontally, by scaling the U component of the vertex UVs by the specified amount.



property v_tiling

[Read-Write] Controls how much the texture tiles vertically, by scaling the V component of the vertex UVs by the specified amount.

