
class unreal.RigControl(name='None', index=- 1, control_type=RigControlType.TRANSFORM, display_name='None', parent_name='None', parent_index=- 1, space_name='None', space_index=- 1, offset_transform=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]], initial_value=[], value=[], primary_axis=RigControlAxis.X, animatable=True, limit_translation=False, limit_rotation=False, limit_scale=False, draw_limits=True, minimum_value=[], maximum_value=[], gizmo_enabled=True, gizmo_visible=True, gizmo_name='Gizmo', gizmo_transform=[[0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]], gizmo_color=[1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], is_transient_control=False, control_enum=None)

Bases: unreal.RigElement

Rig Control

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: ControlRig

  • Module: ControlRig

  • File: RigControlHierarchy.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • animatable (bool): [Read-Write] If the control is animatable in sequencer

  • control_enum (Enum): [Read-Write] If the control is transient and only visible in the control rig editor

  • control_type (RigControlType): [Read-Write] Control Type

  • display_name (Name): [Read-Write] Display Name

  • draw_limits (bool): [Read-Write] True if the limits should be drawn in debug.

  • gizmo_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Gizmo Color

  • gizmo_enabled (bool): [Read-Write] Set to true if the gizmo is enabled in 3d

  • gizmo_name (Name): [Read-Write] This is optional UI setting - this doesn’t mean this is always used, but it is optional for manipulation layer to use this

  • gizmo_transform (Transform): [Read-Write] Gizmo Transform

  • gizmo_visible (bool): [Read-Write] Set to true if the gizmo is currently visible in 3d

  • index (int32): [Read-Only] Index

  • initial_value (RigControlValue): [Read-Only] The value that a control is reset to during begin play or when the control rig is instantiated.

  • is_transient_control (bool): [Read-Write] If the control is transient and only visible in the control rig editor

  • limit_rotation (bool): [Read-Write] True if the control has to obey rotation limits.

  • limit_scale (bool): [Read-Write] True if the control has to obey scale limits.

  • limit_translation (bool): [Read-Write] True if the control has to obey translation limits.

  • maximum_value (RigControlValue): [Read-Write] The maximum limit of the control’s value

  • minimum_value (RigControlValue): [Read-Write] The minimum limit of the control’s value

  • name (Name): [Read-Write] Name

  • offset_transform (Transform): [Read-Write] Used to offset a control in global space. This can be useful to offset a float control by rotating it or translating it.

  • parent_index (int32): [Read-Write] Parent Index

  • parent_name (Name): [Read-Only] Parent Name

  • primary_axis (RigControlAxis): [Read-Write] the primary axis to use for float controls

  • space_index (int32): [Read-Write] Space Index

  • space_name (Name): [Read-Only] Space Name

  • value (RigControlValue): [Read-Only] The current value of the control.

property animatable

[Read-Write] If the control is animatable in sequencer



property control_enum

[Read-Only] If the control is transient and only visible in the control rig editor



property control_type

[Read-Write] Control Type



property display_name

[Read-Write] Display Name



property draw_limits

[Read-Write] True if the limits should be drawn in debug.



property gizmo_color

[Read-Write] Gizmo Color



property gizmo_enabled

[Read-Write] Set to true if the gizmo is enabled in 3d



property gizmo_name

[Read-Write] This is optional UI setting - this doesn’t mean this is always used, but it is optional for manipulation layer to use this



property gizmo_transform

[Read-Write] Gizmo Transform



property gizmo_visible

[Read-Write] Set to true if the gizmo is currently visible in 3d



property initial_value

[Read-Only] The value that a control is reset to during begin play or when the control rig is instantiated.



property is_transient_control

[Read-Write] If the control is transient and only visible in the control rig editor



property limit_rotation

[Read-Write] True if the control has to obey rotation limits.



property limit_scale

[Read-Write] True if the control has to obey scale limits.



property limit_translation

[Read-Write] True if the control has to obey translation limits.



property maximum_value

[Read-Write] The maximum limit of the control’s value



property minimum_value

[Read-Write] The minimum limit of the control’s value



property offset_transform

[Read-Write] Used to offset a control in global space. This can be useful to offset a float control by rotating it or translating it.



property parent_index

[Read-Only] Parent Index



property parent_name

[Read-Only] Parent Name



property primary_axis

[Read-Write] the primary axis to use for float controls



property space_index

[Read-Only] Space Index



property space_name

[Read-Only] Space Name



property value

[Read-Only] The current value of the control.

