
class unreal.SubmixEffectConvolutionReverbPreset(outer=None, name='None')

Bases: unreal.SoundEffectSubmixPreset

Submix Effect Convolution Reverb Preset

C++ Source:

  • Plugin: Synthesis

  • Module: Synthesis

  • File: SubmixEffectConvolutionReverb.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • block_size (SubmixEffectConvolutionReverbBlockSize): [Read-Write] Set the internal block size. This can effect latency and performance. Higher values will result in lower CPU costs while lower values will result higher CPU costs. Latency may be affected depending on the interplay between audio engines buffer sizes and this effects block size. Generally, higher values result in higher latency, and lower values result in lower latency.

  • enable_hardware_acceleration (bool): [Read-Write] Opt into hardware acceleration of the convolution reverb (if available)

  • impulse_response (AudioImpulseResponse): [Read-Write] The impulse response used for convolution.

  • settings (SubmixEffectConvolutionReverbSettings): [Read-Write] ConvolutionReverbPreset Preset Settings.

property block_size

[Read-Only] Set the internal block size. This can effect latency and performance. Higher values will result in lower CPU costs while lower values will result higher CPU costs. Latency may be affected depending on the interplay between audio engines buffer sizes and this effects block size. Generally, higher values result in higher latency, and lower values result in lower latency.



property enable_hardware_acceleration

[Read-Only] Opt into hardware acceleration of the convolution reverb (if available)



property impulse_response

[Read-Write] The impulse response used for convolution.




Set the convolution reverb settings


settings (SubmixEffectConvolutionReverbSettings) –

property settings

[Read-Write] ConvolutionReverbPreset Preset Settings.

