
class unreal.SubsurfaceProfileStruct(surface_albedo=[0.91058, 0.338275, 0.2718, 1.0], mean_free_path_color=[1.0, 0.088964, 0.072095, 1.0], mean_free_path_distance=2.6748, world_unit_scale=0.1, enable_burley=False, scatter_radius=1.2, subsurface_color=[0.48, 0.41, 0.28, 1.0], falloff_color=[1.0, 0.37, 0.3, 1.0], boundary_color_bleed=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0], extinction_scale=1.0, normal_scale=0.08, scattering_distribution=0.93, ior=1.55, roughness0=0.75, roughness1=1.3, lobe_mix=0.85, transmission_tint_color=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])

Bases: unreal.StructBase

struct with all the settings we want in USubsurfaceProfile, separate to make it easer to pass this data around in the engine.

C++ Source:

  • Module: Engine

  • File: SubsurfaceProfile.h

Editor Properties: (see get_editor_property/set_editor_property)

  • boundary_color_bleed (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Boundary Color Bleed

  • enable_burley (bool): [Read-Write] Effective only when Burley subsurface scattering is enabled in cmd.

  • extinction_scale (float): [Read-Write] Extinction Scale

  • falloff_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] defines the per-channel falloff of the gradients produced by the subsurface scattering events, can be used to fine tune the color of the gradients (called “falloff” in SeparableSSS, default there: 1, 0.37, 0.3)

  • ior (float): [Read-Write] IOR

  • lobe_mix (float): [Read-Write] Lobe Mix

  • mean_free_path_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Controls how far light goes into the subsurface in the Red, Green and Blue channel. It is scaled by Mean Free path distance.

  • mean_free_path_distance (float): [Read-Write] Subsurface mean free path distance in world/unreal units (cm)

  • normal_scale (float): [Read-Write] Normal Scale

  • roughness0 (float): [Read-Write] Roughness 0

  • roughness1 (float): [Read-Write] Roughness 1

  • scatter_radius (float): [Read-Write] in world/unreal units (cm)

  • scattering_distribution (float): [Read-Write] Scattering Distribution

  • subsurface_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Specifies the how much of the diffuse light gets into the material, can be seen as a per-channel mix factor between the original image, and the SSS-filtered image (called “strength” in SeparableSSS, default there: 0.48, 0.41, 0.28)

  • surface_albedo (LinearColor): [Read-Write] It should match The base color of the corresponding material as much as possible.

  • transmission_tint_color (LinearColor): [Read-Write] Transmission tint control. It is multiplied on the transmission results. Works only when Burley is enabled.

  • world_unit_scale (float): [Read-Write] Control the scale of world/unreal units (cm)

property boundary_color_bleed

[Read-Only] Boundary Color Bleed



property enable_burley

[Read-Only] Effective only when Burley subsurface scattering is enabled in cmd.



property extinction_scale

[Read-Only] Extinction Scale



property falloff_color

[Read-Only] defines the per-channel falloff of the gradients produced by the subsurface scattering events, can be used to fine tune the color of the gradients (called “falloff” in SeparableSSS, default there: 1, 0.37, 0.3)



property ior

[Read-Only] IOR



property lobe_mix

[Read-Only] Lobe Mix



property mean_free_path_color

[Read-Only] Controls how far light goes into the subsurface in the Red, Green and Blue channel. It is scaled by Mean Free path distance.



property mean_free_path_distance

[Read-Only] Subsurface mean free path distance in world/unreal units (cm)



property normal_scale

[Read-Only] Normal Scale



property roughness0

[Read-Only] Roughness 0



property roughness1

[Read-Only] Roughness 1



property scatter_radius

[Read-Only] in world/unreal units (cm)



property scattering_distribution

[Read-Only] Scattering Distribution



property subsurface_color

[Read-Only] Specifies the how much of the diffuse light gets into the material, can be seen as a per-channel mix factor between the original image, and the SSS-filtered image (called “strength” in SeparableSSS, default there: 0.48, 0.41, 0.28)



property surface_albedo

[Read-Only] It should match The base color of the corresponding material as much as possible.



property transmission_tint_color

[Read-Only] Transmission tint control. It is multiplied on the transmission results. Works only when Burley is enabled.



property world_unit_scale

[Read-Only] Control the scale of world/unreal units (cm)

