Particle Spawn Group

This page provides reference information for modules in the Particle Spawn group.

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Particle Spawn modules occur once for each created particle. Modules in this section set up initial values for each particle. If Use Interpolated Spawning is set, some Particle Spawn modules will be updated in the Spawn stage instead of in the Particle Update stage. Modules are executed in order from the top to the bottom of the stack.

Each of the module types in the Particle Spawn group has its own section in this document, with tables that list and describe the default options available for that type of module. Keep in mind that you can create custom modules for any part of the Niagara Emitter. The ones listed here are just the ones that are automatically included with Unreal Engine 4.

Beam Modules



Beam Width

This module controls the width of the spawned beam and writes that width to the Particles.RibbonWidth parameter. To vary the width along the length of the beam, use a curve indexed into the Particles.RibbonLinkOrder as provided from the default spawn beam module.

Spawn Beam

This module places particles along a bezier spline, or simply along a line between two points. This is useful for sprite facing along a beam-style path, or for using with the ribbon renderer for a classic-style beam. Spawn Beam creates a static beam that does not recalculate the start and endpoints each frame.

Camera Modules



Camera Offset

This module offsets the particle along the vector between the particle and the camera.

Maintain in Camera Particle Scale

This retains the in-camera particle size by taking into account the camera's FOV, the particle's camera-relative depth, and the render target's size.

Chaos Modules



Apply Chaos Data

This sets the particle position, velocity, and color from a Chaos solver.

Color Modules




This module directly sets the Particles.Color parameter, with scale factors for the Float3 Color and Scalar Alpha components.

Event Modules



Generate Location Event

This generates an event that contains the position of the particle. The event payload for each particle also contains the particle velocity, a particle ID which can be used to create a Ribbon ID per particle, the age of the particle generating the event, and a random number that can be used in various ways.

This module is placed after the Solve Forces and Velocity module, so that the event can contain both position and velocity data.

Forces Modules



Acceleration Force

This adds to the Physics.Force parameter, which will translate into acceleration within the solver.

Apply Initial Forces

This module converts rotational and linear forces, such as Curl Noise Force, into rotational and linear velocity.

Curl Noise Force

This adds to the Physics.Force parameter using a curl noise field. Samples a medium resolution baked tiling curl noise field by default, but can optionally sample a perlin-derived curl function directly at increased cost.


This applies the Drag value directly to particle velocity and rotational velocity, irrespective of mass. It accumulates into Physics.Drag and Physics.RotationalDrag , which are solved in the Solve Forces and Velocity and Solve Rotational Forces and Velocity modules.

Gravity Force

This applies a gravitational force (in cm/s) to the Physics.Force parameter.

Limit Force

This scales the Physics.Force parameter down to the magnitude specified if it exceeds the Force Limit .

Line Attraction Force

This accumulates a pull toward the nearest position on a line segment. It then adds that value to Transient.PhysicsForce .

Linear Force

This adds a force vector (in cm/s) to the Physics.Force parameter in a specific coordinate space.

Mesh Rotation Force

This adds a rotational force as described by the newtons applied on the yaw, pitch and roll axes, and accumulates that value to the Physics.RotationalForce parameter.

Point Attraction Force

This accumulates a pull toward AttractorPosition into the Physics.Force parameter.

Point Force

This adds force from an arbitrary point in space with optional falloff. Uses the vector between the velocity origin and the Particles.Position parameter in order to determine the force vector. If positions have not been initialized (that is, the particle position and velocity origin are on top of each other), the module will inject random velocity. You should place this module after any location modules in the stack, to make sure that the particle positions have already been initialized.

Vector Noise Force

This introduces random noise into the Physics.Force parameter.

Vortex Force

This takes a velocity around a vortex axis (with an optional additional pull towards the vortex origin) and injects it into the Physics.Force parameter.

Wind Force

This applies a wind force to particles, with an optional Air Resistance parameter. If the particle is moving faster than the wind speed in the direction of the wind, no additional force is applied.

Initialization Modules



Initialize Particle

This module contains several common particle parameters, which you can enable or disable as needed. There are Point Attributes such as Lifetime , Position , Mass and Color ; Sprite Attributes such as Sprite Size and Sprite Rotation ; and Mesh Attributes such as Mesh Scale . This module should be at the top of the stack in the Particle Spawn group.

Initialize Ribbon

This module contains several common parameters for ribbons. It has the same Point Attributes as the Initialize Particles module, and additionally has Ribbon Attributes such as Ribbon Width and Ribbon Twist . This module should be at the top of the stack in the Particle Spawn group.

Kill Modules



Kill Particles

This switch kills all particles if set to True (the box is checked). It allows for particles to be dynamically killed, based on this boolean, at any point in the execution stack.

Kill Particles in Volume

Interpolated Spawn

Location Modules



Box Location

This spawns particles in a rectangular box shape.

Cone Location

This spawns particles in a cone shape.

Cylinder Location

This spawns particles in a cylinder shape, with lathe-style controls to modify the profile of the cylinder.

Grid Location

This spawns particles in an even distribution on a grid.

Jitter Position

This jitters a spawned particle in a random direction, on a delay timer.

Rotate Around Point

This module will find a position on a forward vector-aligned circle around a user-defined center point. The radius and position along the circle can be modified over time.

Skeletal Mesh Location

This places particles on a bone, socket, triangle or vertex of a Skeletal Mesh.

Sphere Location

This spawns particles in a spherical shape, with options for hemisphere shaping and density.

Static Mesh Location

This spawns particles from the surface of a static mesh.

System Location

This spawns particles from the system's location.

Torus Location

This spawns particles in a torus shape.

Mass Modules



Calculate Mass and Rotational Inertia by Volume

This parameter calculates the mass and rotational inertia based on the particle's bounds and a density value. The density is measured in kilograms per cubic meter.

Calculate Size and Rotational Inertia by Mass

Calculates the particle's scale and rotational inertia based on user-driven mass and density values. The density is measured in kilograms per cubic meters.

Materials Modules



Dynamic Material Parameters

These write to the Dynamic Parameter Vertex Interpolator node in the Material Editor. To use Indices 1-3, change the Parameter Index on the node itself in the Material Editor to the corresponding number. This allows the use of up to four unique dynamic parameter nodes in a given material.

Math/Blend Modules



Cone Mask

This module defines a cone in 3D space and checks if the position input lies inside the cone. If the position lies inside the cone, it returns 1 ; otherwise it returns 0 .

Lerp Particle Attributes

This module enables linear interpolation (lerp) of all default particle parameters. You can select the specific parameter to interpolate each default particle parameter against, and also the interpolation factor for each default particle parameter.

Recreate Camera Projection

This module recreates the camera-relative world position of a 2D scene capture's pixel. The projector transform fields allow you to reposition and rotate the projected positions.

Temporal Lerp Float

This module performs a slow linear interpolation (lerp) according to the user's specified Current Value over time. The convergence rate is specified through the Rate of Change input.

Temporal Lerp Vector

This module performs a slow linear interpolation (lerp) according to the user's specified Current Value over time. The convergence rate is specified through the Rate of Change input.

Mesh Modules



Initialize Mesh Reproduction Sprite

This module first chooses a random location on a skeletal mesh. Then, using the chosen triangle, it calculates an ideal particle size, UV scale, sprite alignment, and so on. To properly align a particle to a mesh surface, set the sprite's Render Alignment to Custom Alignment , and set the Facing Mode to Custom Facing . Then set the Custom Facing Vector Mask to 1, 1, 1 .

If the mesh does not animate, you can check the box for Overwrite Intrinsic Variables to set all of the particle system's intrinsic parameters. If you want the Facing Mode to update during the effect, do not check the Overwrite Intrinsic Variables box. Instead, add the Update Mesh Reproduction Sprite module to the Particle Update group. Within your material, use Niagara_MeshReproductionSpriteUVs to sample the mesh's UVs.

Both the Initialize Mesh Reproduction Sprite module and the Update Mesh Reproduction Sprite module assume that the skeletal mesh UVs are square, and not compressed on one axis.

Sample Skeletal Mesh Skeleton

This module samples the bone or socket positions of a skeletal mesh, and then writes those sampled values to particle parameters. These particle parameters can then be used later in the stack.

Sample Skeletal Mesh Surface

This module samples the surface of a skeletal mesh, and then writes those sampled values to particle parameters. Those particle parameters can then be used later in the stack.

Sample Static Mesh

This module samples a static mesh, and then writes those sampled values to particle parameters. Those particle parameters can then be used later in the stack.

Update Mesh Reproduction Sprite

This module is used along with the Initialize Mesh Reproduction Sprite module. To recreate the effect in the Niagara level of Content Examples, follow these steps:

  1. Place the Initialize Mesh Reproduction Sprite module in the Particle Spawn group.

  2. Place the Update Mesh Reproduction Sprite module into the Particle Update group.

  3. In the Sprite Renderer, set Alignment to Custom Alignment ; set Facing Mode to Custom Facing Vector ; set Custom Facing Vector Mask to 1, 1, 1 .

  4. In your Material, use Niagara Mesh Reproduction Sprite UVs to sample the mesh's UVs.

  5. If Module.OverwriteIntrinsicVariables is set to False , make sure that this module's output variables drive the particle's attributes (such as position, alignment and so on).

Orientation Modules



Align Sprite to Mesh Orientation

This module aligns sprites to a mesh particle's orientation. This enables you to use the Mesh Rotation and Rotational Velocity modules to control a sprite's alignment in relation to the world. Make sure that the Alignment and Facing Mode settings in the Sprite Renderer are set to Custom Alignment and Custom Facing . Set your Custom Facing Vector Mask to 1, 1, 1 .

Initial Mesh Orientation

This module aligns a mesh to a vector, or rotates it in place using a rotational vector.

Orient Mesh to Vector

This module aligns a mesh to an input vector.

Physics Modules



Add Rotational Velocity

This module adds to the Rotational Velocity value in a user-defined space.

Find Kinetic and Potential Energy

This module returns the following:

  1. A particle's kinetic energy, based on the particle's velocity.

  2. A particle's potential energy, which is the sum of all force modules that write to Physics.PotentialEnergy .

  3. The sum of 1 and 2.

SubUV Modules




Some sprites are made in a grid, with each individual sprite representing an animation frame. This module accepts the total number of sprites that are to be animated, and plots those sprites along a curve so that they animate smoothly.

Texture Modules



Sample Pseudo Volume Texture

This module samples the color of a pseudo volume texture, based on UVW coordinates.

Utility Modules



Do Once

This module keeps track of whether its trigger condition has ever been true in a previous frame. If not, Particles.Module.Execute returns True. If the trigger condition has returned True in a previous frame, Particles.Module.Execute returns False.

Increment Over Time

This module increases a value each frame. The counter variable increments using the tick delta value and multiplying it by a user-specified rate.

Update MS Vertex Animation Tools Morph Targets

This module reads morph target texture data, and outputs positions and normal vectors for a given pixel-per-particle index. Pipe the module's world space normal output into the asset's material, with tangent space normals disabled within the material in order to reproduce the mesh's surface.

For more information on generating morph target textures, see Vertex Animation Tool .

This module can directly set a particle's position. If you use it this way, do not use another module that directly sets a particle's position.

Vector Field Modules



Apply Vector Field

This module takes the vector samples by a vector field sampler, and applies it as a force or velocity.

Sample Vector Field

This module samples a vector field, applying a per-particle intensity factor and an optional falloff factor, that fades the influence of the vector field towards the edges of the bounding box. This can optionally apply a local translate, rotate or scale transformation.

Velocity Modules



Add Velocity

This module assigns a velocity to spawned particles. You can add various dynamic inputs to modify the values you enter in this module.

Add Velocity from Point

This module adds velocity from an arbitrary point in space, with optional falloff. It uses the vector between the velocity origin and the particle's position to determine the velocity vector. If particle positions have not been initialized (causing the particle position and velocity origin to be too close together), the module will inject random velocity. For the most accurate results, place this module below any location modules in the stack. This ensures that particle positions have been initialized.

Add Velocity in Cone

This module adds velocity to the Particles.Velocity parameter in a cone shape, with parameters for cone angle, and for velocity distribution along the cone axis.

Inherit Velocity

This module adds inherited velocity from another source. This defaults to the position of the system that owns the current emitter.

Scale Velocity

This module multiplies Particles.Velocity by a separate vector in a specific coordinate space.

Static Mesh Velocity

This module adds velocity based on the normals from a static mesh, as well as adding the inherited velocity of a static mesh.

Vortex Velocity

This module calculates an angular velocity around a vortex axis, and injects it into the Particles.Velocity parameter. This is added to the initial velocity the particle has when spawned.

New Scratch Pad Module

Selecting this item in the Add (Plus sign) menu opens the Scratch Pad panel (by default this docks next to the System Overview ) and places a Scratch Pad module in the Selection panel. You can also open the Scratch Pad panel by using Windows > Scratch Pad . However, by placing a Scratch Pad module in the stack, any modules or dynamic inputs you create in the Scratch Pad are automatically connected to your script. If you open the Scratch Pad panel using the Windows menu, any items you create there will have to be added to your script manually.

Set New or Existing Value Directly

Selecting this item from the Add (Plus sign) menu places a Set Parameter module in the Selection panel. Click the Plus sign ( + ) icon to select Add Parameter or Create New Parameter .

Add Parameter

When you select Add Parameter , you select from the parameters listed. This adds that parameter to the Set Parameter module in the Particle Spawn group.

Some of these parameters can be set or modified in other modules. Some are only set using a Set Parameter module.




This parameter is used to determine whether or not this particle instance is still valid, or if it can be deleted.


This defines the age of a particle.


This sets the Camera Offset for a particle. The Camera Offset determines the distance between the particle and the camera.


This directly sets the color of the particle.


This is a four-float vector used to send data to the renderer.


This is a four-float vector used to send data to the renderer.


This is a four-float vector used to send data to the renderer.


This is a four-float vector used to send data to the renderer.


This is an engine-managed attribute that provides a persistent ID to each spawned particle.


This sets the initial color of a particle.


This is the lifetime of a spawned particle in seconds.


This parameter determines the radius of emitted light when you are using a Light Renderer.


This parameter determines the mass of a spawned particle.


This parameter is used to drive the Particle Random node in the Material Editor. When this is not set, any Particle Randoms will get 0.0 .


This determines the axis-angle rotation that is applied to a spawned mesh particle.


This is the value of Particles.Age (in seconds) divided by the value of Particles.Lifetime (in seconds). This is useful for animation, because the value generated is between 0 and 1 .


This sets the position of a spawned particle.


This is used with the Solve Forces And Velocity module to calculate a particle's position in response to force and velocity. Previous velocity is needed to solve for acceleration.


This sets the facing vector of the ribbon at the ribbon particle's position, or the side vector that the ribbon's width is extended along, depending on which Facing Mode is selected.


This assigns a Ribbon ID to a ribbon particle. Particles with the same Ribbon ID are connected into a ribbon.


This sets an explicit order for linking particles within a ribbon. Particles with the same Ribbon ID are connected into a ribbon in incrementing order according to this value.


This sets the amount of twist a ribbon particle has, in degrees.


This sets the width of a ribbon particle, in UE4 units.


This sets the XYZ scale of a non-sprite particle.


This makes the texture point toward the sprite's selected alignment axis. When using this parameter, the Sprite Renderer's Alignment must be set to Custom Alignment .


This makes the surface of the sprite face towards a custom vector. To use this parameter, the Sprite Renderer's Facing Mode must be set to Custom Facing Vector , and values must be provided in the Sprite Renderer's Custom Facing Vector Mask setting.


This sets the screen-aligned roll of the particle, in degrees.


This determines the size of the sprite particle's quad.


This sets a value which ranges from 0 to a value equal to the number of entries in the table of SubUV images.


This is an engine-managed attribute that serves as a unique ID for each spawned particle. The ID is incremented for each new particle spawned.


This is used to multiply the generated UVs for Sprite Renderers.


This determines the velocity of a particle in centimeters per second (cm/s).

Create New Parameter

When you select Create New Parameter , you select from the parameters listed. This adds that parameter to the Set Parameter module in the Particle Spawn group.




Audio Oscilloscope

Data Interface

This adds a new Audio Oscilloscope data interface module to the emitter. The Audio Oscilloscope module can directly access the waveform data of the audio signal.

Audio Spectrum

Data Interface

This adds a new Audio Spectrum data interface module to the emitter. The Audio Spectrum module can drive a visualization based on how loud the audio is at specific frequencies.



This adds a Set Variable module that has a true/false checkbox.

Camera Query

Data Interface

This adds a new Camera Query data interface module to the emitter. This data interface can be used to retrieve camera information (such as camera position, rotation, or FOV) for the specified controller index.

Collision Query

Data Interface

This adds a collision data interface to the emitter stack. This is usually used in conjunction with Collision modules.

Curl Noise

Data Interface

This adds a curl noise data interface to the emitter stack. If you use this in conjunction with Curl Noise Force modules, this data interface injects different types of noise into your simulation.

Curve for Colors

Data Interface

This adds a four-channel color curve data interface for the simulation. This curve can be sampled by dynamic inputs or other modules to create a time-varying color.

Curve for Floats

Data Interface

This adds a single-channel curve data interface for the simulation. This curve can be sampled by dynamic inputs or other modules to create a time-varying float value.

Curve for Vector 2Ds

Data Interface

This adds a two-channel curve data interface for the simulation. This curve can be sampled by dynamic inputs or other modules to create a time-varying pair of floats

Curve for Vector 3s

Data Interface

This adds a three-channel curve data interface for the simulation. This curve can be sampled by dynamic inputs or other modules to create a time-varying set of floats.

Curve for Vector 4s

Data Interface

This adds a four-channel curve data interface for the simulation. This curve can be sampled by dynamic inputs or other modules to create a time-varying set of floats.



This is an enumeration used by various modules and dynamic inputs that want to test using boolean logic:

  • Greater Than

  • Greater Than Or Equal To

  • Equal To

  • Not Equal To



This is an enumeration used by various modules and dynamic inputs to distinguish between coordinate spaces:

  • Simulation : If the emitter is set to local, use local. Otherwise, use World.

  • World : In the world space of the game.

  • Local : In the coordinate space of the owning component.



This enumeration type is used by parameters that manage system or emitter execution states, such as Emitter.ExecutionState or System.ExecutionState.



This indicates the source of an execution state setting. It is used to allow scalability to change the state, but only if the state has not been defined by something with higher precedence.



This enumeration is used by location modules to determine where the origin point of expansion is:

  • Inside

  • Centered

  • Outside



This is an enumeration used by several modules to determine which axis to do calculations with:

  • X Axis

  • Y Axis

  • Z Axis



This sets the type of random number generation used by this emitter. Valid choices are:

  • Simulation Defaults

  • Deterministic

  • Non-Deterministic



This creates a float value variable.

Grid 2D Collection

Data Interface

This is used with simulation stages. It enables the user to read or write to a 2D array of data, and then iterate over each pixel in the grid during a simulation stage.



This creates an integer variable.

Linear Color


This creates an RGBA color variable, represented as a color picker.



This creates a 4x4 matrix variable.

Mesh Tri Coordinate


This is a simple struct containing a triangle index along with a barycentric coordinate on the face of that triangle.

Neighbor Grid3D

Data Interface

This is used with simulation stages. It enables the user to read or write to a 3D array of data, and then iterate over each pixel in the volume during a simulation stage.

Niagara ID


This is a two-part struct used to track particles. It allows fast access to this particle's data. It is always unique among currently living particles, but will be reused after the particle dies. AcquireTag is a unique tag for when this ID was acquired. It allows us to differentiate between particles when one dies and another particle reuses the dead particle's index.

Occlusion Query

Data Interface

This adds a new Occlusion Query data interface module to the emitter. The data interface is used to read depth buffer occlusion information.

This can only be used with GPU emitters.

Particle Attribute Reader

Data Interface

This adds a new Particle Attribute Reader data interface to the emitter. The data interface can be used to query particle payload values from other emitters, and can sometimes be easier to use than Events.



This creates a quaternion variable, used to represent rotations.

Simple Counter

Data Interface

This adds a new Simple Counter data interface module to the emitter. This data interface enables you to increment a thread-safe counter.

This can only be used with CPU emitters.

Skeletal Mesh

Data Interface

This is a data interface with functions to interact with a skeletal mesh's bones/sockets and skinned geometry.

Spawn Info


This is a structure used in spawning to specify the Count of particles to create, InterpStartDt or offset from the current frame begin time to start spawning, IntervalDt defining the time gap between particles being spawned, and SpawnGroup allowing spawned particles to belong to different categories.


Data Interface

This is a data interface that interacts with a Spline Asset.

Static Mesh

Data Interface

This is a data interface with functions to interact with a static mesh's surface.

Texture Sample

Data Interface

This is a data interface with functions to interact with a texture on the GPU.



This creates a three-channel set of floats.

Vector 2D


This creates a two-channel set of floats.

Vector 4


This creates a four-channel set of floats.

Vector Field

Data Interface

This is a data interface with functions to query a vector field.

Volume Texture Sample

Data Interface

This adds a new Volume Texture data interface module to the emitter. You can use this to sample a volume texture.

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