SubUV Modules

SubUV modules allow particles to utilize subUV multi-frame textures.

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SubUV modules allow particles to utilize subUV textures, in which a grid of individual "frames" is laid out.

SubUV modules should only be applied to an emitter when the InterpolationMethod is set to something other than PSUVIM_None.

SubImage Index

The SubImage Index module selects the sub-image to use based on a float distribution. Currently, sub-images are ordered from left-to-right, top-to-bottom. It contains the following member(s):




Sub Image Index

A float distribution indicating the index of the sub-image should be utilized for the particle. The value is retrieved using the RelativeTime of the particle during its update.

Slightly higher values should be used due to the actual value being a float. For example, if the second image is desired - image 1 - then the value should be set to 1.01.


Use Real Time

If true , the movie will play back in real time regardless of the slo-mo settings of the game.

SubUV Movie

The SubUV Movie module cycles through the sub-images of the texture in sequential order at a specified frame rate, similar to how a flipbook texture behaves. It contains the following properties:




Use Emitter Time

If true , the emitter time is used to retrieve the value of the FrameRate distribution. Otherwise, the relative particle time is used.

Frame Rate

A float distribution specifying the frame rate at which the sub-images should be 'flipped' through.

Starting Frame

The starting image index for the SubUV (1 = the first frame). Assumes order of Left->Right, Top->Bottom. If greater than the last frame, it will clamp to the last one. If 0, then randomly selects a starting frame.


Use Real Time

If true , the movie will play back in real time regardless of the slo-mo settings of the game.

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