Lens Flare

Simulating scattered light from bright objects due to imperfections in camera lenses.

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Lens Flare

The Lens Flare effect is an image-based technique that simulates the scattering of light when viewing bright objects due to imperfections in camera lenses.




Tints the color of the entire lens flare effect.

Lens Flare Tint (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

Lens Flare Tint (0.25, 1.0, 1.0)


Defines the minimum brightness of pixels that contribute to the lens flare. Higher thresholds keep content that is too dark too see from being blurred, improving performance as the fill rate cost increases linearly with the amount of pixels passing the threshold.

Lens Flare Threshold - 0.1

Lens Flare Threshold - 8

Bokeh Size

Scales the radius of the Bokeh shape. Possible uses: tweak image based lens flare look and performance (2x radius -> 4x more fill rate).

Lens Flare Size - 1

Lens Flare Size - 8

Bokeh Shape

The texture to use to define the shape of the lens flares.

Lens Flare Shape - Default

Lens Flare Shape - Square

Lens Flare Tints 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8

Tints the color of each individual lens flare.


Brightness scale of the image cased lens flares (linear).

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