Effects Content Examples

Overview of the samples provided in the Effects Content Examples.

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The Effects map contains several visual effects and examples of Particle Systems that can help add increased realism or assist in communicating gameplay elements like hazards, a fire or explosion for example, to players in your levels.

This map shows how to create moving particles, particles that have collision, particles that can spawn other particles, particles that can be attached to a player and several others. Each example is setup in a way so that it can be deconstructed so that you can alter or create your own effect based on the example.

You can find additional resources for each example by clicking on the example's name.

Effects Map


Listed below are the examples provided inside the Effects map:


What is Demonstrated

1.1 CPU and GPU particles

The difference between CPU and GPU particles along with pros/cons are demonstrated with two simple particle fountains.

1.2 GPU particles with Velocity Cone module

The use of the Velocity Cone module which outputs particles in a cone shape. This example also shows how a Static Mesh can be added to a particle through the Mesh TypeData module (e.g. two emitters output sparks while another outputs a Static Mesh).

1.3 GPU particles with Emitter Initial Location

Three spheres travel around a central point while leaving trails behind them. This example also shows how to spawn a particle from the location of other particles with the Emitter Initial Location module.

1.4 GPU particles with Point Gravity

Shows how to specify a point in space where all particles inside an emitter will be drawn to through the Point Gravity module.

1.5 GPU particles with collision

Demonstrates particles that collide with the environment and have collision (e.g. a downpour of rain bouncing off objects and falling to the ground).

1.6 Blueprint with random burst of particles, light and sound

A Blueprint is used to combine light, sound and particle effect into a burst effect similar to a short circuit spark.

1.7 Particle emission from bone

Illustrates how to spawn a particle effect attached to the bone of a Skeletal Mesh (e.g. specifying a limb of a character that is on fire).

1.8 Particle Shadow Casting

How to create particles that cast shadows on the environment (e.g. puffy clouds that cast shadows).

2.1 Local Vector Field

This example shows how to control the movement, acceleration and velocity of GPU sprites through Vector Fields by using a module contained inside the emitter itself.

2.2 Global Vector Field

Similar to a Local Vector Field except, instead of a module inside the emitter, this is an Actor that can be placed in a level that you can edit as desired. The GPU particles will only be affected by the forces of the vector field when they are inside the field's volume.

2.3 Black body node (dynamic parameter control)

How to generate realistic color for effects by using Dynamic Parameter control (e.g. a fire effect which blends into and billow a black cloud of smoke).

2.4 Event-driven spawn

Using events called during the lifepsan of a particle to spawn a different particle (e.g. fireworks where the death of a particle spawns an explosion of additional particles).

2.5 Ribbon trails

How to create a particle that leaves a trail effect behind it as it moves from one location to another (e.g. a flare being shot into the air).

2.6 Lit particle reacting to lights

Showcases how to generate a realistic lighting effect on particles such as smoke (e.g. a police car's lights effecting smoke).

2.7 CPU particles emitting light

Adding a Light Module to an emitter and spawning dynamic lights from a particle effect.

2.8 Beam emitter with a noise module

Shows how to generate a particle effect that extends from one point to another using the Beam emitter (e.g. could be used for lightning or as a bullet trail effect).

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