Patching and DLC

Information about packaging content for patching and delivering DLC

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Unreal Engine can divide content into .pak files and deliver them to users separately from the main executable. This functionality supports DLC and patching for live services.

General Information

The following pages contain information about the UE cooking and chunking process, how to prepare .pak files for distribution, and reference information for mounting chunks.

Chunk Downloader Plugin

The ChunkDownloader plugin is a general patching solution intended for games that need to deliver a large number of small files.

Google Play Asset Delivery (GooglePAD)

The GooglePAD plugin uses Google's Play Asset Delivery system on the Google Play store. This patching solution is a companion to the Android App Bundle system, which delivers customized APKs that are optimized for users' individual devices.

You can read more about GooglePAD in the Google Play Asset Delivery Reference .

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