Google ARCore

Information for creating immersive experiences with Google ARCore

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The unified AR framework includes support for basic AR functionality such as Alignment, Light Estimation, Pinning, Session State, Trace Results, and Tracking. In addition to these, you can also use the latest features available in ARCore on your Android devices.

ARCore 1.18 The engine supports ARCore 1.18, which includes the following immersive features:

  • Augmented Faces

  • Augmented Images

  • Cloud Anchors

  • Vertical Plane Detection

  • Depth API for Object Occlusion

Supported Handheld Platforms

Check what devices support ARCore in Google's documentation on ARCore Supported Devices . If you're already working with Unreal Engine and Android devices, you'll only need a minimal amount of additional configuration to get started with augmented reality in Unreal Engine. For detailed Android augmented reality prerequisite information, see the ARCore Prerequisites topic. Basic configuration of Unreal Engine and Android devices is covered in the Android Quick Start section of the Unreal Engine documentation.

Getting Started with ARCore in Unreal


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