LiDAR Point Cloud Plugin Reference

A reference page for the LiDAR Point Cloud plugin,

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The plugin settings can be accessed from the Project Settings window.




Duplicate Handling

Determines how to handle duplicate points (distance < 0.0001). Ignore: Keeps any duplicates found. Select First: Keeps the first point and skips any further duplicates. Select Brighter: Selects the brightest of the duplicates

Max Bucket Size

Maximum number of unallocated points to keep inside the node before they need to be converted into a full child node. Lower values will provide finer LOD control at the expense of system RAM and CPU time.

Node Grid Resolution

Virtual grid resolution to divide the node into. Lower values will provide finer LOD control at the expense of system RAM and CPU time.




Use Multithreading

Enable to allow usage of multiple threads during import and processing.

Multithreading Insertion Batch Size

Determines the maximum number of points to process in a single batch when using multi-threading.

Use Async Import

Enable to allow the editor to import the point clouds in the background, without blocking the main thread.

Max Import Buffer Size

Determines the maximum size of the buffer to use during importing.

Export Batch Size

Determines the maximum size of the buffer to use during exporting.




Meshing Batch Size

Determines the size of per-thread data for the meshing algorithm.




Auto Center On Import

Automatically centers the cloud on import..Caution: Preserving original coordinates may cause noticeable precision loss, if the values are too large. Should you experience point 'banding' effect, please re-import your cloud with centering enabled.

Enable 8-Bit LAS Detection

Determines the maximum size of the buffer to use during importing.

Max Number Of Points To Scan (LAS)

Determines the maximum number of points to scan when analyzing the LAS data.

Max Number Of Points To Scan (ASCII)

Determines the maximum number of points to scan when analyzing the ASCII data.




Use IO Caching

Enabling this will store pre-processed version of the import data as a *.tmp file, and will attempt to use it upon re-import. This is useful for faster debug iteration on large and slow to import (especially ASCII based) cloud assets.

Details Panel

The appearance of Point Clouds is defined by the Actor and modified from the Details Panel.



Point Cloud

Point Clouds Actors refer to Point Cloud Assets, in a similar way as Static Mesh Actors and Static Mesh Assets.


Point Clouds can cast or receive shadows, useful for sun studies


You can grow or shrink the size of the points, display them as circles or squares etc.

Color Adjustment

Color correction, similar to the post process volume that lets you adjust the appearance of the points further.

Lidar Point Cloud Console Variables


Default Value




Defines the importance of tiles in the rendering budget depending on the distance from camera.



Defines the global point rendering budget of the viewports. This value represents the total number of points displayed on screen at the same time.



Defines the importance of tiles in the rendering budget based on where the camera is looking. A higher value will force lower LODs on the sides of the camera frustrum.

stat lidarpointcloud

Shows the statistics of the currently rendered Point Cloud data.

Supported FIle Formats

Commonly used file formats to store point cloud data are supported by the Unreal Engine.



. XYZ, .PTS, *.TXT

Those formats can be considered as part of a more general type of file formats: ASCII point cloud , containing points coordinates, (X Y Z for each point - as meters) or coordinates plus colors, (X Y Z R G B for each point). Notation can be float (0.00892855) or scientific (8.92855E-03)


The LAS file format is a public file format for the interchange of 3-dimensional point cloud data data between data users. Although developed primarily for exchange of lidar point cloud data, this format supports the exchange of any 3-dimensional x,y,z tuplet. This binary file format is an alternative to proprietary systems or a generic ASCII file interchange system used by many companies.

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