Specifying Maximum Triangle and Vertex Counts

Taking a look at specifying an exact amount of geometry a LOD should use.

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When using the Termination Criterion option in the Skeletal Mesh Reduction tool there are three options that you can use to set a hard limit on the number of triangles or vertices that are used to create the various LOD levels. In the following how-to we will take a look at how these options work and the results they provide.


  1. First, locate and open up a Skeletal Mesh that already has LOD's created for it.


  2. In the Assets Details panel, expand the LOD Picker section and then click on the Custom checkmark box to display all of the LOD's that this Skeletal Mesh currently has.


  3. Expand the first LOD in the list, LOD 1 [generated] and then expand the Reduction Settings .

    Click for full image.

  4. Click on the Termination Criterion and from the displayed list, select the Max Triangles option.


  5. Set the value of the Max Triangle Count input to a value of 5,000 and then press the Regenerate LOD button.


End Result

Once the process has finished the amount of triangles used in the first LOD will have been reduced to a number that is right under 5,000. In the image sequence below you can see what happens to the generated LOD when the Termination Criterion was set to Max Triangles , Max Vertices and First Max Satisfied .

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