Volumetric Correction

Taking a look at what the Volumetric Correction feature dose to help preserve a Skeletals Mesh topology.

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When used with the default setting (one), the Volumetric Correction control helps make sure that the simplified Skeletal Mesh encloses the same total volume as its source. With this option disabled (zero), the edge collapse simplification tends to flatten and deflate rounded surfaces. For cases where the user would like to slightly increase or decrease the volume (and hence silhouette) of the Skeletal Mesh LOD generated by simplification, the Volumetric Correction should be adjusted. In the following how-to we will take a look at what the Volumetric Correction option dose to the LODs that are created.


For the vast majority of the cases, the default setting will give the best results.

  1. First, locate and open up a  Skeletal Mesh that has LOD's already created for it.


  2. Expand the first LOD in the list, LOD 1 [generated] and then expand the Reduction Settings .


  3. Set the Termination Criterion to Max Triangles and then set the Max Triangle Count to 10,000.


  4. Next, set the Volumetric Correction to a value of 0.0 and then press the Regenerate LOD button.


End Results

When completed the newly created Skeletal Mesh LOD will now have a shape with a slightly smaller volume than the geometry it was derived from. The image sequence below shows what will happen to the Skeletal Mesh when the  Volumetric Correction value is set to 0.0 and increased to 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 .

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