DMX Component

Information about the DMX component, which provides developers a way to assign a DMX Fixture Patch to a Blueprint Actor in the Scene.

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Prerequisite Topics

In order to understand and use the content on this page, make sure you are familiar with the following topics:

The DMX Component provides the user a way to assign a specific DMX Fixture Patch to a Blueprint Actor instance in the scene. This gives the user the ability to have multiple instances of a Blueprint Actor in the scene and have it send and receive data to and from a single registered fixture patch. This is intended primarily for 3D previsualization for lighting fixtures.

To set the fixture patch for your DMX Component first select your actor in the scene. Then in the details panel, select the DMX Component and set a DMX Library Asset and a Fixture Patch. See the image below for an example.


Below you can see an example Blueprint showing how to receive data from the fixture patch set for the component.


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