DMX Pixel Mapping

Information about DMX pixel mapping, which enables users to sample texture pixels and output the color as a DMX sample.

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Prerequisite Topics

In order to understand and use the content on this page, make sure you are familiar with the following topics:

The feature allows the user to sample the pixels of a specified texture and output the color sample as DMX. The pixel mapping feature integrates with the other DMX plugins utilizing the DMX Library assets and DMX Protocol functionality. To create a new Pixel Mapping asset right-click the content browser, navigate to the DMX category, and select DMX Pixel Mapping .


The Pixel Mapping editor is organized similarly to the UMG interface.





Default components that represent different types of fixtures. Drag a component into the Designer to add them.


This is a representation of all the components added for this Pixel Mapping asset and their associated parents and children in the hierarchy.


Move around various components to sample portions of the texture. This is where you configure what part of the texture will actually be sampled for DMX output.


Provides a preview of the visible output after the downsampling is applied to the texture from the component layout in the Designer.


Set relevant properties for the selected component in the hierarchy.


Fixture Group

The Fixture Group component is used to output DMX to multiple fixtures defined in a DMX Library. Fixtures can be added to this group via drag and drop from the Details panel into the Designer. Each fixture in the group can be configured so the RGB values output to any attributes assigned for the fixture.




Color Mode

The method for sampling the texture, RGB (Red Green Blue) or Monochrome (Black and White).

Color Sample

The colors to sample for DMX output (includes an invert option).

R/G/B Attribute

The attribute to which the fixture patch is assigned to output the color sample data.

Extra Attributes

Additional attributes to statically output to while the pixel mapper renders.

Relative Position X

The X position relative to the parent position.

Relative Position Y

The Y position relative to the parent position.

Size X

The size X in pixels.

Size Y

The size Y in pixels.

Cell Blending Quality

The quality at which to sample the image section.

Lock in Designer

Lock position in the Designer.

Visible in Designer

Show/Hide in the Designer.

Editor Color

The color set for the box visualization.


The Matrix component is used to output DMX to a matrix fixture set in a DMX Library. A matrix fixture can be assigned by setting the DMX Library and Fixture Patch properties to a patched matrix fixture. All cells will automatically show in the pixel mapper with a number assignment representing the position relative to the matrix order defined in the DMX library.




Color Mode

The method for sampling the texture, RGB (Red Green Blue) or Monochrome (Black and White).

Color Sample

The colors to sample for the DMX output (includes an invert option).

R/G/B Attribute

Attribute to which the fixture patch cells are assigned to output the color sample data.

Extra Attributes

Additional attributes to statically output to while the pixel mapper renders.

Extra Cell Attributes

Additional cell attributes to statically output to while the pixel mapper renders.

Fixture Patch Matrix Ref

DMX Library and Fixture Patch assignment to output the DMX.

Relative Position X

The X position relative to the parent position.

**Relative Position Y*

The Y position relative to the parent position.

Size X

Size X in pixels.

Size Y

Size Y in pixels.

Cell Blending Quality

The quality at which to sample the image section.

Lock in Designer

Lock position in the Designer.

**Visible in Designer*

Show/Hide in the Designer.

Editor Color

The color set for the box visualization.

DMX Screen

The DMX Screen component is used to output raw DMX to a matrix of cells manually set in the details panel.




Remote Universe

The output universe.

Start Address

The starting address for the first cell.

Color Space

The desired sample type.


The order in which to address consecutive cells.

Ignore Alpha Channel

Controls whether or not to use the Alpha channel when the color space includes Alpha.

Pixel Intensity

Controls the pixel intensity multiplier for the DMX output.

Alpha Intensity

Controls the intensity of the Alpha channel when the color space includes Alpha.

Show Addresses

Hide/Show the assigned address of the cell.

Show Universe

Hide/Show the assigned universe of the cell.

X Cells

The number of cells in the grid in the X-direction.

Y Cells

The number of cells in the grid in the Y-direction.

Protocol Name

The DMX protocol to output.

Size X

The size of the screen in the X-direction in pixels.

Size Y

The size of the screen in the Y-Direction in pixels.

Position X

The X position of the screen relative to the texture origin.

Position Y

The Y position of the screen relative to the texture origin.

Cell Blending Quality

The quality at which to sample the image section inside the cell.

Lock in Designer

Lock position in the Designer.

Visible in Designer

Show/Hide in the Designer.

Editor Color

The color set for the box visualization.

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