Time Management

Time Management

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FrameNumber - FrameNumber

Divide (FrameNumber A / B)

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

FrameNumber - Int

Subtraction (FrameNumber A - int B)

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

FrameNumber * Int

Multiply (FrameNumber A * B)

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

FrameNumber + FrameNumber

Addition (FrameNumber A + FrameNumber B)

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

FrameNumber + Int

Addition (FrameNumber A + int B)

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

FrameNumber to Integer

Converts a FrameNumber to an int32 for use in functions that take int32 frame counts for convenience.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

FrameRate to Seconds

Converts an FrameRate to a float ie: 1/30 returns 0.0333333

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

Get Timecode

Get the current timecode of the engine.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

Get Timecode Frame Rate

Gets the current timecode frame rate.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

Is Multiple Of

Checks if this framerate is an even multiple of another framerate, ie: 60 is a multiple of 30, but 59.94 is not.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library


Verifies that this is a valid framerate with a non-zero denominator.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

QualifiedFrameTime to Seconds

Converts an QualifiedFrameTime to seconds.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

Seconds * FrameRate

Multiplies a value in seconds against a FrameRate to get a new FrameTime.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

Snap Frame Time

Snaps the given SourceTime to the nearest frame in the specified Destination Framerate. Useful for determining the nearest frame for another resolution. Returns the frame time in the destination frame rate.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

Timecode to String

Converts an Timecode to a string (hh:mm:ss:ff). If bForceSignDisplay then the number sign will always be prepended instead of just when expressing a negative time.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

Transform Frame Time

Converts the specified time from one framerate to another framerate. This is useful for converting between tick resolution and display rate.

Target is Time Management Blueprint Library

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