
Whether the calculation allows non-net authorities to register the external dependency multi-cast delegate or not; Effectively whether clients are allowed to perform the custom calculation themselves or not



[UPROPERTY](Programming/UnrealArchitecture/Reference/Properties)(EditDefaultsOnly, Category=ExternalDependencies, AdvancedDisplay)
bool bAllowNonNetAuthorityDependencyRegistration


Whether the calculation allows non-net authorities to register the external dependency multi-cast delegate or not; Effectively whether clients are allowed to perform the custom calculation themselves or not

@note This is an advanced use case that should only be enabled under very specific circumstances. This is designed for games that are utilizing network dormancy and may want to trust the client to update non-gameplay critical attributes client-side without causing a network dormancy flush. Usage of this flag is NOT compatible with attribute capture within the calculation and will trigger an ensure if used in tandem. Clients are incapable of performing custom calculations that require attribute captures. In general, if your game is not using network dormancy, this should always remain disabled.

@note If enabling this for a custom calculation, be sure that the external delegate is sourced from something guaranteed to be on the client to avoid timing issues. As an example, binding to a delegate on a GameState is potentially unreliable, as the client reference to that actor may not be available during registration.

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